Cartesi Rollups version: 1.0.x
With this project you can test some interactions with the Cartesi Rollups project:
- Metamask integration
- Send Inspect state Requests and Listing Reports response
- Sending Dapp Address with the DApp Relay
- Sending inputs
- Depositing Ether
- Depositing ERC20
- Depositing ERC721
- Depositing ERC1155 Single
- Depositing ERC1155 Batch
- Listing Notices
- Listing Reports
- Listing Vouchers
- Executing Vouchers
Edit src/config.json to set the testnet parameters and deployment, inspect, graphql, rpc addresses.
In the project directory, run:
yarn codegen
to build the app.
yarn start
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser.
To execute Vouchers, the voucher epoch must be finalized so the rollups framework generate the proofs. As a reminder, you can advance time in hardhat with the command:
curl --data '{"id":1337,"jsonrpc":"2.0","method":"evm_increaseTime","params":[864010]}' http://localhost:8545