NodeJS v5+
Yarn or NPM
Truffle v2.1.1
TestRPC v3.0.3
Ethereum-bridge v0.4.9 (included under bridge folder)
Ensure the above dependencies are met and installed on your local system.
For deployment and testing, run install using your favoured node package manager in the root directory
npm install
Get an instance of testrpc running with the following parameters
testrpc -m test -a 50
Run ethereum-bridge with the following parameters
node bridge -a 49 --dev --disable-price
Finally, run the tests (note some of the sections will take several minutes to complete as they are waiting for callbacks to come in from Provable)
truffle test
The contracts can be conveniently deployed on a supported Provable network, simply by having an unlocked account running on your local ethereum node instance. When you have a node running with open rpc access, simply run
truffle migrate --reset
For automatic compilation and deployment to the current network
Yarn is the preferred and recommended package manager here, and the instructions will assume you're using that. NPM should work as well.
Change to one of the ui subdirectories
To run a local dev instance
yarn start
For production build
yarn install
yarn build
Before deploying to a realnet, ensure you change the oraclizeLib.sol to set the network automatically. Comment out L60 and Uncomment L63.
The WalletOracle and DigitalIdOracle contracts will need to be topped up with Ether as well, so the Provable calls can successfully be executed.