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Releases: provencher/MRTK-Quest

MRTK-Quest v1.2 - Quest 2 & Examples Update

24 Oct 16:36
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With the release of MRTK 2.5, Microsoft has officially integrated MRTK-Quest into their repo. However, the official support of MRTK-Quest in MRTK 2.5 requires the use of the XR SDK, and does not support articulated avatar hands for controllers. If using avatar hands and the legacy XR flow matter to you, this release should help bridge the gap.

In order to play with the example content in this repo, using the official MRTK-Quest integration, please check out MRTK-Quest-Sample. The main difference there is the use of the official Oculus XRSDK device manager in the MRTK profile, as well as using the XR SDK workflow.

If you appreciate the work I do here, and would like to contribute to the development of future updates and other open source XR work, feel free to buy a coffee using the sponsor page.



  • Update Unity to 2019.4.12
  • Update Oculus SDK to 20.1 for proper Quest 2 support (+ Integrated it into the project, removing the ignore)
  • Update MRTK to latest dev branch (v2.5.1 + shader mip map fix)


  • Fixed panning example

  • Removed FFR and reduce super sampling back to 1 as Quest 2 doesn't need it

  • Updated MRTK-Quest version to 1.2.

  • Updated example scene with elastic and color picker examples



v1.1.0 Overlay Keyboard - Image Clarity - Misc Fixes

17 Aug 18:43
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  • Added grip strength affordance using new methods in HandPoseUtils by @chetu3319.
  • Added default 1.25x super sampling in scene with dynamic FFR adjustment - can be manually set in Resources/MRTK-OculusConfig


Example Changes

  • Added Oculus keyboard overlay example to MRTK-Quest_2.4_Extra scene
  • Added example by @chetu3319 showing finger curl strength



  • Moved MRTK-Audio into MRTK-Quest directly to simplify cloning and package management
  • Moved HandPoseUtils and a few other classes out into MRTK-Utils assembly, also part of MRTK-Quest code, in order to allow that code to be accessible for all build targets.


  • Upgraded project to 2019.4.8f1
  • Upgraded Oculus Integration to V19.1


  • Please delete your existing MRTK-Quest related folders in third party, and import the new packages, as some assembly files have changed

MRTK-Quest v1.0.1 - Gesture Improvements

14 Jun 16:39
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See the 1.0 release for more details.

How does the new teleport gesture work?

Teleport mode is activated with a palm up with closed middle finger and extended thumb
Closing index is confirm, anything else is cancel.

See this twitter post for a video of the improved gesture in action.


Teleport Activation improvements (#61)

  • Improvements to teleport gestures: Thumb must be extended, palm up must align with camera up.
  • Improvements to teleport mode activation: Instead of disabling teleport pointer when not in correct teleport pose, raise teleport cancelled event to prevent teleport popping in, as well as to prevent accidental activation.
  • Fixed bug where teleport pointer would get instantiated on unsupported platforms.
  • Removed parabollic pointer from input pointer profile by default to prevent errors from missing data, and conflicts with custom pointer.


  • Added pinch strength affordance to controller grip and trigger press.


  • Upgraded project to 2019.4.0f1


From 1.0

  • Only the contents of MRTK-Quest have changed in this release. To upgrade, simply import that package. No other files have been changed.

From 0.6.2 or older

  • Make sure dependencies match those listed above and follow the standard MRTK upgrade guide
  • Delete your MRTK-Quest folders, and import the new ones.

MRTK-Quest v1.0 Stable Release

05 Jun 00:37
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MRTK-Quest has graduated to stable, coming with a number of important improvements.

New teleport gesture!
To teleport, turn your palm facing up, close in your middle finger, with your index extended. This will activate the teleport pointer. To confirm, simply curl your index into your palm, like pulling on a trigger.


  • Customized Teleport pointer bringing teleport locomotion to hand tracking and touch controllers.
  • New music and sound effects thanks to the talented @joncohenproducer. The soundscape is still a work in progress, so checkback at
  • Revamped example scene that works fully with MRTK 2.4 Stable.
  • Custom Hand material now applies to touch controller avatar hand.

Community Contributions

Special thanks to @machenmusik and @chetu3319 for their fantastic contributions!

  • PR#56 Oculus camera rig is now automatically added to scenes. MRTK-Quest can be added to existing projects after only changing the profile.
  • PR#52 Finger curl detection to allow grabbing objects with a closed fist.
  • PR#51 Dynamically update hand material at runtime.

Dependency Updates

  • Oculus Unity Integration v17
  • MRTK V2.4
  • Unity 2019.3.15f1


  • Make sure dependencies match those listed above and follow the standard MRTK upgrade guide
  • Delete your MRTK-Quest folders, and import the new ones.


v0.6.2 Oculus V16 Integration + Bug Fixes

30 Apr 16:00
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  • Update SDK to v16 - Fixes hand tracking with Link in editor.
  • Fixed Bug #44
  • Removed controller rendering by default as new SDK renders wrong controllers anyway
  • Update version to 0.6.2

As always, for an easy to setup project, check out MRTK-Quest-Sample

Also, be sure to customize the integration using the MRTK-Quest config scriptable object

v0.6.1 Oculus V14 Integration + Bug Fixes

17 Mar 19:55
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  • Replaced floor texture as previous one was removed from MRTK.
  • Reworked hand pinch logic to properly release pinch when hands are fast moving.
  • Tested with Oculus v14 integration.
  • Fix bug related to avatar hands not getting properly placed in hierarchy

Note: If you are upgrading your Oculus Integration to v14 please do the following:

  • Close Unity
  • Delete your Oculus folder
  • Open Unity
  • Import the new integration.

v0.6.0 Content & Stability

06 Mar 00:52
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Content Update

  • Keyboard sample

  • New Button & Slider examples

  • Added floor to scene

Hand Confidence management.


  • Hand confidence is now only trusted if unreliable for less than a designated time threshold. Default is 0.2f.
    This is already much more tolerant than only allowing high confidence, while not displaying hands when the data absolutely cannot be trusted.

  • Exposed current hand confidence values for each hand.

  • Exposed settings to control minimum required tolerance of hand data.

Folder structure


With v0.6, MRTK-Quest is now split into MRTK-Quest & MRTK-Quest.Examples.
If you are a user of MRTK without the examples package, then the examples will not properly work for you.
As such, this latest update no longer includes the example scenes in the core package.

In MRTK-Quest "Core", there is now a BasicSetup scene, showing how to setup a minimal MRTK Scene with MRTK-Quest.

Moreover, examples are split into two scenes:

  • MRTK-Quest_2.3 is guaranteed to work on the latest MRTK stable release, v2.3.
  • MRTK-Quest_Development contains example content that has not yet made it into a stable release.

If you are upgrading from a previous MRTK-Quest release, you will need to delete the OculusInput folder from the MRTK third party folder in your project, before upgrading to this release.

V0.5.2 - Bug fixes

02 Mar 16:14
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V0.5.2 - Bug fixes Pre-release
  • Recreated MRTK Profiles to better integrate with new systems
  • Resolved editor reflection error caused by missing default constructor for oculus hands
  • Disabled hand joints by default in the editor


  • Replaced unity package to contain fixes for users using older MRTK versions.

See also V0.5 and V0.5.1

V0.5.1 - Dependency Updates

01 Mar 22:47
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  • Unity 2018.4.18f1
  • MRTK Latest dev branch as of March 1st 2020.
  • Removed obsolete controller configuration


  • Resolved Null pointer exception in scene caused by migration of manipulation handlers. Please update your Unity Package.

V0.5 - Hand Physics & Rendering

01 Mar 02:32
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  • Enabled hand throwing physics on scene objects
  • Added custom hand rendering shader that responds to hand pinching
  • Disabled default rendering options, to keep hands tracked even with low confidence
  • Added license to all files [MIT].

New Config Panel exposing hand mesh material and performance seetings