A proxy server that babelifies js files
npm run server
You just need to specify where the original files are either on a http server or a local file system.
If it is on the local system don't forget to add 3 forward slashes /
node src/server.js --proxyTarget=file:///Users/xyz/
- --noBabel : use it only as a proxy, don't transpile
This instruction would then create a webserver using as base the folder /Users/xyz
and babelifies all the javascript files while keeping intact the other files. By default the webserver is available on port 9898
In coordination of ngrok
it will also allow to have a public URL allowing to test local developement (please visit https://ngrok.com/).
For instance if you execute ngrok http 9898
you will get a public http link allowing to access your local files currently in development.