This project is a banking application that allows users to manage banks, their customers, and customer accounts ( supporting multiple types of accounts). Users can perform transactions and cancel them as well. The system also implements an observer pattern to notify users of any updates from the banks.
Java 17: The core programming language used to develop the application
Spring MVC: A web framework for building the application's custom API
Thymeleaf: A server-side Java template engine used for rendering HTML views
Bootstrap: A front-end web framework used for styling and creating responsive design
JUnit: A testing framework used for unit testing
To run the application, you can follow these steps:
Clone the repository to your local machine
Open the project in an IDE of your choice
Build the project using Maven or your IDE's build tools
Run the application using a web server of your choice
Click here to see all endpoints
All configuration parameters are located in the com/psajd/banks/config folder.