This repository contains the source code for an extremely simple basis for a LISP interpreter in Scala.
Prompt% scalac lisp.scala
Prompt% scala lisp
(1 . (2 . (3 . NIL)))
eq(a, a) ==> true
eq(a, b) ==> false
eq(b, b) ==> true
eq(a, d) ==> false
eq(d, e) ==> false
eq(d, d) ==> true
c ==> (1 . 2)
x ==> (print . (1 . NIL))
eval(x) ==> 1()
At this point, the program is simply a toy proof-of-concept of embedding the primitives of a LISP-like language in a type-safe language like Scala.
Adding a Read-Eval-Print loop would make it a "real" interactive interpreter.
Adding data types (e.g.,
) and primitive functions are needed to fill out the langauge.
This code is published under the MIT License (i.e., the "Expat License".) Please see the file LICENSE