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The TCPR home page, <>, includes
information about the people involved in the project, links to the code,
and a copy of the research paper, which provides in-depth information
about TCPR's design.  This README provides a practical introduction to
guide someone new to the project from first cloning the code repository
through running the automated tests and conducting a live demonstration.

TCPR uses the GNU autotools build system.  However, the repository does
not contain any generated files, so once, right after cloning, you must
set up some infrastructure:

  $ autoreconf -i

The filter depends on the `libnfnetlink' and `libnetfilter_queue'
libraries and development headers, which can be installed on an Ubuntu
machine with:

  # apt-get install libnetfilter-queue-dev

The following examples also assume you have some common system
administration utilities installed:

  # apt-get install iptables iproute openvpn

Finally, the following are often useful for testing and debugging:

  # apt-get install wireshark tshark socat

Once the dependencies are installed, build the project.

  $ mkdir tcpr-build
  $ cd tcpr-build
  $ ../tcpr/configure && make

Two programs result: tcpr-netfilter, the packet filter, and tcpr-chat,
the demonstration program.  In order to run, tcpr-netfilter requires
some special privileges.

  # setcap cap_net_admin,cap_net_raw,cap_sys_nice+eip tcpr-netfilter

Whenever you rebuild tcpr-netfilter, the overwitten file will lose its
capabilities and you will need to set them again.  However, you will be
able to run the filter as an unprivileged user.

The tcpr-chat program can perform as either client or server, and
orthogonally as either fault-tolerant application or legacy peer.
For a working example, assume you will conduct a demonstration over the
loopback device on a single machine.  The legacy peer endpoint will be
the standard loopback address,  The filter will rewrite an
internal address for the fault-tolerant application into an externally
visible one for the peer; those addresses must be distinct, and it is
easiest if they are also different from the peer's address, so give your
loopback device two more arbitrary addresses.

  # ip addr add dev lo
  # ip addr add dev lo

To double check, list the current addresses.

  $ ip addr

Now it is necessary to configure the Linux builtin firewall, Netfilter, to
capture the appropriate packets and send them to userspace for the filter.

  # iptables -A OUTPUT -s -j NFQUEUE
  # iptables -A INPUT -d -j NFQUEUE

To double check, list the current rules.

  # iptables -nL

Now run the filter.  It needs to know the internal address of the
application and the external address to map it to.

  $ tcpr-netfilter -i -e

In its own terminal, run the application as a server, bound to its
internal address.

  $ tcpr-chat -b

In yet another terminal, run the peer as a client, connecting to the
external address.

  $ tcpr-chat -p -b -c

Now chat back and forth between the two endpoints.  You can kill the
fault-tolerant application with control-C and recover it by running
the same command-line again; you can also kill and recover the filter
in the same way, or even kill both and recover them simultaneously.
When you are finished at either endpoint, type control-D.  When both
ends have finished, they will exit.  Finally, kill the filter.

To get a closer look at what is happening, or to debug a problem, you
can run the filter with the `-d' option, which causes it to dump packet
traces from both internal and external perspectives, along with per-packet
snapshots of its internal state for the connection.  It can also be useful
to set up another terminal to watch the state various connections are in.

  $ watch 'netstat -n | grep 127\\.'

To clean up, remove the addresses and filter rules you added.

  # ip addr del dev lo
  # ip addr del dev lo

  # iptables -D OUTPUT -s -j NFQUEUE
  # iptables -D INPUT -d -j NFQUEUE

Sometimes, if the application crashes but you move on to
something else and never recover it, you will find its state file,
tcpr-application.state, lying about.  That can cause tcpr-chat to attempt
to recover an old connection when you meant to establish a new one;
if that happens to you, simply delete the state file and start over.

To write new applications, look through `tcpr-chat.c' in detail.  It is
useful not only for demonstrating the system to others, but also for
demonstrating by example how to write a TCPR-aware application.

Whereas the demonstration program uses the operating system's actual
network stack, the automated tests employ a tunnel device in order
to appear to be an entire network of separate machines, injecting
manually-constructed packets to simulate various situations and run the
filter through its paces.  To be able to run the automated tests as an
unprivileged user, create a tunnel device with the appropriate ownership.

  # openvpn --mktun --dev tcpr-test --dev-type tun --user USERNAME

Then, give it a network of addresses and establish the filter rules.

  # ip link set tcpr-test up
  # ip addr add dev tcpr-test
  # iptables -A FORWARD -s -j NFQUEUE

Finally, configure the kernel to route packets and not complain about
the inefficient routing being simulated.

  # echo 0 | tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/conf/*/send_redirects > /dev/null
  # echo 1 | tee /proc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward > /dev/null

Now run the filter.

  $ tcpr-netfilter -i -e

In another terminal, build and run the tests:

  $ make check

Each invocation will create packet traces, not unlike those the filter
leaves with the `-d' option, to aid in debugging should something fail.

The tests clean up after themselves, so the suite can be run multiple
times without restarting the filter.  When you are finished, kill
the filter.  To clean up, remove the tunnel device and filter rules:

  # openvpn --rmtun --dev tcpr-test --dev-type tun
  # iptables -D FORWARD -s -j NFQUEUE

Finally, the distribution includes a patch that adds basic TCPR support to
netperf, a network performance testing tool.  To benchmark TCPR, set up two
machines, or, for the sake of exposition, reuse the setup from the loopback
demonstration.  On the peer machine, launch the server side.

  # netserver

On the application machine, launch the filter.

  # tcpr-netfilter -i -e

In another terminal on the application machine, launch the application,
that is, the netperf test.  It will communicate with the peer directly
to establish a control connection, then switch to using its internal
address for the data connection in order to flow through the filter.

  $ netperf -H -t TCP_STREAM -- -L

The TCP_STREAM test measures throughput with the application sending
data to the peer.  To measure throughput in the reverse direction,
use the TCP_MAERTS test.  To measure application-level round trips,
use the TCP_RR test.  Explore netperf's help to learn about its helpful
options; notably, you might want to change the test duration with `-l',
or set buffer sizes to match the properties of the link over which you
conduct the benchmarks.

To disable checkpointing but still send (useless) updates, pass netperf
the `-c' option at the end.  To additionally stop sending updates, provide
the `-u' option as well.  To fall back on the original, TCPR-oblivious
behavior, just pass the `-T' option at the end.  In the last case,
either test a connection that bypasses the filter (to test raw TCP),
or send it through the filter but pass `-p' to tcpr-netfilter so that
it passes packets through unchanged.

If you crash netperf or abort in the middle and notice (perhaps with
`netstat') that old connections are sitting around, kill netperf and the
filter, restart netserver, and wait for the connections to time out and
go away.  Then restart the filter and try again from scratch.

Per-packet microbenchmarks can be generated by running an example
connection, perhaps with tcpr-chat, through the filter with the `-d'
option.  The timestamps in the packet traces can be used to determine
processing latency in whatever situations you benchmark.


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