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Produce Vision EIS metrics

Suzanne Childress edited this page Oct 30, 2018 · 7 revisions

There are special summaries for the Vision 2050 EIS process. Here are the steps to produce them:

  1. On every model run you are summarizing, run this script : EIS Summary script. At the top of the file point to your model run by hard-coding the path to the run like this: os.chdir(r"os.chdir(r"H:\vision2050\soundcast\integrated\draft_runs\stc\stc_run_3_2018_08_17_13_06\2050\scripts\summarize\notebooks")scripts\summarize\notebooks")

  2. The summary scripts will create outputs in the directory outputs of your model run. For example, "H:\vision2050\soundcast\integrated\draft_runs\stc\stc_run_3_2018_08_17_13_06\2050\outputs\Vision2050_longlist.csv"

  3. The file will have the columns blank id (no label), Value, Data Item, Geography, Grouping and Order)

  4. Repeat this process for each model run you would like to summarize.

  5. Now append all the outputs row-wise into a csv single file, by copying each output into the file. Add a column "Model Run", and fill it in with the name of each run. Name the empty first column "ID".

  6. Open Tableau-Public on your machine. Download the workbook here: EIS Tableau workbook.

  7. On the Data Source page in Tableau, edit the connection the file called "Vision2050_long_list_Version2". Update it to look at your file.

  8. Click on Story 1 in your Tableau workbook. It should have formatted tables now.

  9. Save your file to Tableau public. Now you can download the tables individually online to paste into the EIS excel template, by clicking in a cell on a table and then download crosstab.

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