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User Classes

Brice Nichols edited this page Aug 4, 2022 · 1 revision

Standard User Classes

User Class Definition
sov_inc1 SOV Income Level 1
sov_inc2 SOV Income Level 2
sov_inc3 SOV Income Level 3
hov2_inc1 HOV 2 Income Level 1
hov2_inc2 HOV 2 Income Level 2
hov2_inc3 HOV 2 Income Level 3
hov3_inc1 HOV 3 Income Level 1
hov3_inc2 HOV 3 Income Level 2
hov3_inc3 HOV 3 Income Level 3
tnc_inc1 TNC Income Level 1
tnc_inc2 TNC Income Level 2
tnc_inc3 TNC Income Level 3
medium_truck Medium Trucks
heavy_truck Heavy Trucks
walk Walk Trips
bike Bike Trips
LightRail Light Rail Trips
Ferry Ferry Trips
PassengerFerry Passenger Ferry Trips
CommuterRail Commuter Rail Trips

Optional User Classes

Autonomous Vehicles

Users may run scenarios with autonomous vehicles (AVs), which are assigned as separate classes. These will not be available unless provided in include_av = True.

User Class Definition
av_sov_inc1 AV SOV Income Level 1
av_sov_inc2 AV SOV Income Level 2
av_sov_inc3 AV SOV Income Level 3
av_hov2_inc1 AV HOV 2 Income Level 1
av_hov2_inc2 AV HOV 2 Income Level 2
av_hov2_inc3 AV HOV 2 Income Level 3
av_hov3_inc1 AV HOV 3 Income Level 1
av_hov3_inc2 AV HOV 3 Income Level 2
av_hov3_inc3 AV HOV 3 Income Level 3

Delivery Vehicles

A rudimentary model to measure impacts of increased at-home delivery trips can be activated by setting include_deliery = True in Doing so will add another user class as follows. Delivery trips are calculated in the truck model, but are only assigned to the network and included in the model when this configuration is active. Total number of regional delivery trips can be assigned in the total_delivery_trips field in

User Class Definition
delivery_truck Delivery Trucks
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