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Brice Nichols edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 1 revision

Landuse Type Definitions

The parcel-level variable lutype_p is defined as follows:

Variable Definition
1 Agriculture
2 Civic and Quasi-Public
3 Commercial
4 Fisheries
5 Forest, harvestable
6 Forest, protected
7 Government
8 Group Quarters
9 Hospital
10 Industrial
11 Military
12 Mining
13 Mobile Home Park
14 Multi-Family Residential
15 Condo Residential
16 N/A
17 No Land Use Code
18 Office
19 Park and Open Space
20 Parking
21 Recreation
22 Right-of-Way
23 School
24 Single Family Residential
25 Transportation, Communication, Utilities
26 Vacant Developable
27 Vacant Undevelopable
28 Warehousing
29 Water
30 Mixed Use
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