gerrit plugin for terraform
Start container
docker run --name gerrit_1 -d -p -p 29418:29418 -e WEBURL= openfrontier/gerrit docker ps -a
Gerrit WebUI: SignIn with Launchpad account - got admin rights
Then set username and add ssh key. Optional set ~/.ssh/config
Host User gerrituser IdentityFile ~/.ssh/gerrituser.rsa
SSH: Create bot account in the 'Non-Interactive Users' group
ssh -v -p 29418 gerrit create-account --group \'Non-Interactive Users\' --http-password tbot tbot ## curl --digest --user username:password http://localhost:8080/a/path/to/api/ curl -v --digest -u tbot:tbot
SSH: Create bot group and include bot account
ssh -v -p 29418 gerrit create-group --member tbot tbot
Gerrit WebUI: Check members in bot group
Gerrit WebUI: Add global capabilities to bot group for Create/Delete project in All-Projects access form
Provide credentials with environment vars or tf file
go build -o terraform-provider-gerrit terraform plan TF_LOG=DEBUG terraform apply