A sudoku solver in Django, Keras, and OpenCV
To run the plain vanilla Django version:
git clone https://github.com/psymbio/sudoku-solver-v1.git
cd sudoku-solver-v1
pip install -r requirements.txt
python3 manage.py runserver
To run the Docker container make sure you have Docker installed.
- Rename Dockerfile to DeploymentDockerfile and ProductionDockerfile to Dockerfile.
docker build -t sudokusolver:v1 .
docker run -it -p 8080:8080 sudokusolver:v1
How does it work?
Short answer:
| 1 8 2 | 9 5 4 | 6 3 7 |
| 3 6 7 | 1 2 8 | 4 5 9 |
| 9 4 5 | 6 7 3 | 2 1 8 |
| 2 7 4 | 5 1 6 | 8 9 3 |
| 5 3 9 | 4 8 7 | 1 2 6 |
| 8 1 6 | 3 9 2 | 5 7 4 |
| 4 5 1 | 7 6 9 | 3 8 2 |
| 6 9 8 | 2 3 1 | 7 4 5 |
| 7 2 3 | 8 4 5 | 9 6 1 |
And then:
Long answer: https://psymbio.github.io/posts/sudoku/
I still am working on it, if you know how I can implement solving sudokus through a ML based approach, you should probably email me before all my hair falls out.
And if you can deploy it, please do.