A detailed step-by-step showing how tracing can be implemented for Grpc.
This tutorial is based on the example from the official grpc-go repo:
grpc-go example
The tracing details and examples can also be found in the Datadog Go tracer repository:
go tracer repo
Preliminary tasks and first time steps
Pull image (docker pull pejdd/grpc:v0
) and spin the container as follows:
MacOSX:grpctracing - root$ docker run -it --name grpc -h grpc -d pejdd/grpc:v0
MacOSX:grpctracing - root$ docker exec -it grpc bash
[root@grpc:~/go/grpc]$ tree
|-- go.mod
|-- go.sum
|-- google.golang.org
| -- grpc
| -- examples
| -- helloworld
| -- helloworld
| -- grpc.pb.go
|-- grpc.proto
|-- grpc_client
|-- grpc_client.go
|-- grpc_server
|-- grpc_server.go
-- grpchw.tar.gz
5 directories, 9 files
At this stage the grpc server is already running and waiting for the client to connect.
Spin up the Datadog Agent (Provide your API key to the below command)
MacOSX:grpctracing - root$ DOCKER_CONTENT_TRUST=1 docker run -d --rm --name datadog_agent -h datadog \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock:ro -v /proc/:/host/proc/:ro -v /sys/fs/cgroup/:/host/sys/fs/cgroup:ro \
-p 8126:8126 -p 8125:8125/udp -e DD_API_KEY=<Api key to enter> -e DD_APM_ENABLED=true \
-e DD_LOG_LEVEL=debug datadog/agent:7
Create a bridge network
MacOSX:grpctracing - root$ docker network create nw0
Connect both containers to the newly created network
MacOSX:grpctracing - root$ docker network connect nw0 grpc
MacOSX:grpctracing - root$ docker network connect nw0 datadog_agent
Run a bit of load by running the grpc_client
MacOSX:grpctracing - root$ docker exec -it grpc bash
[root@grpc:~/go/grpc]$ ./grpc_client
2020/11/27 11:09:14 Datadog Tracer v1.27.0 INFO: DATADOG TRACER CONFIGURATION {"date":"2020-11-27T11:09:14Z","os_name":"Linux (Unknown Distribution)","os_version":"18.04.4 LTS (Bionic Beaver)","version":"v1.27.0","lang":"Go","lang_version":"go1.14.12","env":"","service":"my-grpc-client","agent_url":"http://datadog_agent:8126/v0.4/traces","agent_error":"Post \"http://datadog_agent:8126/v0.4/traces\": dial tcp: lookup datadog_agent on no such host","debug":true,"analytics_enabled":true,"sample_rate":"NaN","sampling_rules":null,"sampling_rules_error":"","tags":{"runtime-id":"8d67f3c6-59f0-446e-84e2-4f65432de144"},"runtime_metrics_enabled":false,"health_metrics_enabled":false,"dd_version":"","architecture":"amd64","global_service":"","lambda_mode":"false"}
2020/11/27 11:09:14 Greeting: Hello world
2020/11/27 11:09:16 Datadog Tracer v1.27.0 DEBUG: Sending payload: size: 433 traces: 1
Result should look like this: