chain-event graph for R. This package implements the theory of CEG. You will be able to generate CEG objects from manual input or from formated data
For the theory about CEG, please see This site presents some papers related to CEG.
Additionally, see
About the code itself, I have some observations: Rodrigo Collazo provided me with his original code, developed for testing the theory and not for general public. I designed an object-oriented software architecture and wrapped his original code in S4 classes.
The final result is operational, but have a lot of space for improvements. I devise the need of -- substituting part of the code for existing R functions, -- use a better data structure to represent the graphs -- move from Rgraphviz to ggplot2 extensions -- change part of the code that manipulates data to tidyverse functions, to improve code readability
We also should provide a vignette to help possible users.
Please, feel free to contact us for any critical modification needed to help your research or work.
Cheers Pier Taranti