This is a metadata server for a distributed file system that supports concurrent operations from multiple metadata instances. Its primary use case is scenarios with extremely large metadata volumes (with tens of millions to billions of files) and high-frequency metadata operations, where it demonstrates significant effectiveness. In our tests, using 8 machines with 32 cores each as clients, running 128 threads per machine for operations like open, write 4096 bytes, and close, hpfs-srvr utilizes 2 machines with 64 cores each, and the Ceph cluster consists of 6 servers each with 8 NVMe disks. Our IOPS are tens of times higher than those of a similarly configured CephFS. Theoretically, with an increase in hpfs-srvr instances, IOPS linearly scale up, as long as the backend RADOS can support this level of IOPS capability. We are now offering core functionalities for free use. Due to the inherent limitations of FUSE itself, there is a performance ceiling for individual FUSE clients. However, using our API directly bypasses this limitation and maximizes client performance.
OS : Ubuntu 20.04.6 LTS x86_64
open() O_RDONLY, O_APPEND,O_EXCL,O_CREAT,O_WRONLY,O_RDWR,O_DIRECTORY creat(); write(); pwrite(); read(); pread(); close(); mkdir(); rmdir(); readdir(); stat(); truncate(); access(); unlink(); lseek(); chown(); chmod();
add ceph and rados source
CEPH_RELEASE=18.2.0 # replace this with the active release curl --silent --remote-name --location${CEPH_RELEASE}/el9/noarch/cephadm chmod +x cephadm
./cephadm add-repo --release reef
apt-get install gcc g++ make autoconf automake libtool pkg-config cmake cmake-curses-gui libsnappy-dev libgflags-dev libgoogle-glog-dev libmpich-dev mpich librados-dev libfuse3-dev
If you haven't installed Ceph, please follow the steps below. If it's already installed, please skip.
apt install ceph -y
cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip
ssh-copy-id -f -i /etc/ceph/ root@hostname
ceph orch host add hostname ip
/home/aaa/cephadm bootstrap --mon-ip ip --allow-overwrite
ceph orch daemon add osd hostname:/dev/vdb
ceph osd pool create data 128 128
ceph osd pool create metadata 128 128
ceph osd pool create data 128 128
ceph osd pool create metadata 128 128 -ip -count n
If you want to deploy 3 hpfs-srvr instances on each of the machines at and, you need to execute the following commands on each machine:
./ -ip, -count 3
If successful, it will create a file /etc/fsconf/msrv.conf
You need to copy the Ceph configuration file ceph.conf to the directory /etc/fsconf on each hpfs-srvr host, and also copy the ceph.conf file to the directory /etc/ceph on the on each hpfs-srvr host, Because hpfs-srvr needs to access Ceph through RADOS.
./ -ip, -count 3
If successful, it will create a file /etc/fsconf/msrv.conf
You need to copy the Ceph configuration file ceph.conf to the directory /etc/fsconf on each hfs host, and also copy the ceph.conf file to the directory /etc/ceph on the on each hfs host, Because hfs needs to access Ceph through RADOS.
start hpfs-srvr:
mount fs :
./hfs /mnt