A neovim plugin, automatically activate/inactivate fcitx5 in certain conditions.
- Feat 1: When the character in front of the cursor is a Chinese character (Unicode 4E00-9FFF), it will automatically activate fxitx5 when you enter insert mod at this time.
- Feat 2: Press a configurable key to enter the insert mod and automatically activate fcitx5.
Using lazy.nvim
config = function()
enable_manual = false,
key = "nil",
mod = "nil"
-- enables or disables feat 2, accepts ‘true’, ‘false’.
enable_manual = false,
-- key for function 2
key = "nil",
-- insert mod entry method, accepts ‘i’, ‘a’.
-- "i" is equivalent to pressing i and then activate fcitx5, "a" is the same.
mod = "nil"
一个 neovim 插件,在特定条件下自动将 Fcitx5 输入法更改为中文输入法。