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Tempify WDI DTLA 6 Project 4

![Actual Page]( =300x "Image") Link to Wireframe & ERD on Trello

About This App

NEST thermostat is a smart home automation device which controls a home or office's heating and AC. These devices connect to the internet through wifi and allows users to control the thermostats with any internet enabled devices.

This app where you can control your NEST thermostat to view current indoor temperature and set new target temperature.

  • Community - Energy saving should be EVERYONE's concern, reminding the NEST adminstrator to turn off Heater/AC on off days or turn up/down AC/Heater when it gets too HOT/COLD.
  • Energy Saving - Save electricity and $$$ with fine tuned control of your thermostat.
  • Device profile and management - provides an overview of NEST thermostats' current conditions for easy management.
  • Remote control - forget to turn off AC/Heater before you leave? Control NEST thermostats from ANYWHERE.
  • Coordinate weather events for smart decisions - app provides real-time indoor temperature data from your NEST thermostat device from NEST cloud API and outdoor weather updates from Yahoo! Weather to help users to set the perfect indoor temperature.

App Features

Yahoo!Weather API integration

Provides latest weather data from Yahoo!Weather to help you set your NEST thermostat.

NEST Thermostat

App uses REST streaming standard to listen for updates on the NEST cloud then updates app data in real time.

NEST Camera

App keeps logs history of any motion, sound events so you can always check your history without signing up for NEST premium which costs $10 a month. ![Actual Page]( =300x "Image")

Project Requirement

Technical Requirements Your app must:

  • Build a full-stack application by making your own backend and your own front-end
  • Have an interactive front-end
  • Be a complete product, which most likely means multiple relationships and CRUD functionality for at least a couple models
  • Implement thoughtful user stories prioritized to help guide you Be deployed online so that it's publicly accessible

Technology Used

Communication | Design | Development | APIs | Deployment ----| ---| --- | --- | --- | --- Trello| Moqups| HTML| Nest Cloud API | Heroku Slack | Sublime | CSS | Google OAuth | MongoLab Markdown| | Bootstrap | Yahoo! Weather | Grunt Slides | | JavaScript/jQuery || Agile management| | Node.js | EventSource | | Express | | | MongoDB | | | Mongoose | | | Yeoman | | | AngularJS |

Project Challenges

  • Learn to work with scaffolding tool Yeoman which generates large amount of files and complex file structure.
  • Learn to work with task runner Grunt to automate repetitive tasks of minification, compilation, unit testing, linting, etc.
  • Implementing token based Authentication with NEST passport strategy.
  • Learn and implement EventSource which provides continuous real-time updates from APIs Implement multiple APIs which often causes CORS error

Getting Started



  1. Run npm install to install server dependencies.

  2. Run bower install to install front-end dependencies.

  3. Run mongod in a separate shell to keep an instance of the MongoDB Daemon running

  4. Run grunt serve to start the development server. It should automatically open the client in your browser when ready.

Build & development

Run grunt build for building and grunt serve for preview.


Running npm test will run the unit tests with karma.