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Pulumi Terraform Converter Plugin

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Convert Terraform projects to Pulumi programs written in your favourite languages.


The goal of pulumi-converter-terraform is to help users efficiently convert Terraform-managed infrastructure into Pulumi stacks. It translates HCL configuration into Pulumi programs. And Terraform state files into Pulumi import files.

Building and Installation

To use pulumi-converter-terraform you can build the tool from source or you can use one of the binary releases hosted on GitHub.


pulumi-converter-terraform can be installed using Pulumi's plugin system:

pulumi plugin install converter terraform


In order to use pulumi-converter-terraform to convert a Terraform project to Pulumi and then deploy it, you'll first need to install the Pulumi CLI. Once the Pulumi CLI has been installed, navigate to the same directory as the Terraform project you'd like to import and create a new Pulumi stack in your favourite language:

// For a Go project
$ pulumi new go -f

// For a TypeScript project
$ pulumi new typescript -f

// For a Python project
$ pulumi new python -f

// For a C# project
$ pulumi new csharp -f

// For a Java project
$ pulumi new java -f

// For a YAML project
$ pulumi new yaml -f

Then run pulumi convert which will write a file in the directory that contains the Pulumi project you just created:

// For a Go project
$ pulumi convert --from terraform --language go

// For a TypeScript project
$ pulumi convert --from terraform --language typescript

// For a Python project
$ pulumi convert --from terraform --language python

// For a C# project
$ pulumi convert --from terraform --language csharp

// For a Java project
$ pulumi convert --from terraform --language java

// For a YAML project
$ pulumi convert --from terraform --language yaml

If pulumi-converter-terraform complains about missing Terraform resource plugins, install those plugins as per the instructions in the error message and re-run the command above.

This will generate a Pulumi program that when run with pulumi update will deploy the infrastructure originally described by the Terraform project. Note that if your infrastructure references files or directories with paths relative to the location of the Terraform project, you will most likely need to update these paths such that they are relative to the generated file.

Adopting Resource From TFState

If you would like to adopt resources from an existing .tfstate file under management of a Pulumi stack, you can use pulumi import. Again you will need to first install the Pulumi CLI. Once the Pulumi CLI has been installed, navigate to the same directory of your Pulumi project you'd like to import to, probably the directory you created via pulumi convert above.

Then run pulumi import which will translate the Terraform state file, and import those resources into Pulumi:

$ pulumi import --from terraform ./terraform.tfstate

Once imported, the existing resources in your cloud provider can now be managed by Pulumi going forward. See the Adopting Existing Cloud Resources into Pulumi blog post for more details on importing existing resources.


While the majority of Terraform constructs are already supported, there are some gaps.

  • Various built-in interpolation functions. Calls to unimplemented functions will throw at runtime.
  • self and terraform variable references.


Visit for information on building from source or contributing improvements.