This week Casper is looking into 3 different multi-task setups that he would like to investigate.
- The 1st is a simple parallel 2 head architecture where the first head is trained to perform tube detection and then the second head is trained to perform pathology detection.
- The 2nd is also a parallel architecture but with 3 heads like in (insert citation). The first task would be to a segmentation task of the lungs, the second would be tube detection and the final would be pathology detection
- The 3rd would be a hybrid of a cascade and parallel architecture. The first head performs object detection of the lungs and draws a bounding box around them. This bounding box is then used to crop out the parts of the picture that do not contain lungs, while still keeping the picture sqaure and symmetrical. These cropped images are then fed back into the network to train two heads (TD and PD respectively). The first task could also be segmentation, where everything but the lungs are cropped out. The difference between the previous paper and this architecture would be the task-shared layers between the segmenter and the other tasks, as well as the labels being from ChestXray-14 using the augmentations we made, instead of crowd annotated masks.
One important part for me is to explore if any of these architectures gets closer to archieve equalized odds in respect to people with tubes, when performing pathology detection.
This week we applied the functions we created last week to all ~160k masks from the ChestX-ray14. The images are of varying sizes and aspect ratios, so we came up with a function to standardize dilation rates according to the total number of pixels in the image. We dilate the masks in 4 increments, with the increment size being a function $ max ( Npixels/300000, 1) $ so for a picture of size
We have also been training the PD and PD-multi-task models. Casper is currently looking into alternate multi-task architectures in Michelle is continuing works on adapting the get_preds script to get predictions from the PD model on images treated with the new masks.
We made functions for adjusting existing segmentation masks in the ChestX-ray14 data set. These functions can adjust masks by expanding the borders of the induvidual lungs and draw bounding boxes either around the lungs collectively or induvidually as seen in this image:
The functions can be found in Segmentation_preprocessing/Segmentation_mask.ipynb . Next week Casper will be focusing on applying these functions on the dataset as well as training the PD and multi-task models, while Michelle works on adapting the get_preds script to get predictions from the PD model on images treated with the new masks.
Setting up conda environments, git repo and jobs on HPC
Link :
Data : ChestX-Ray14 and PLCO
Tasks: Spatial (detection) classification, Abnormality classification and Heart/Lung segmentation
Model: Densenet
ENHANCE (ENriching Health data by ANnotations of Crowd and Experts): A case study for skin lesion classification
Link : 2021:020.pdf (
Data : ISIC and PH2
Tasks: Abnormality classification and segmentation
Model: Ensemble of VGG-16, Inception v3 and ResNet50
Data : ISIC
Tasks : Abnormality classification and asymmetry, border or color classification
Model : VGG-16
Link :
Data :
Tasks :
Model :
Link :
Data : TBX11K
Tasks : Object detction and abnormality classification
Model : ImageNet
Link :
Data :
Tasks :
Assessment of Accuracy of an Artificial Intelligence Algorithm to Detect Melanoma in Images of Skin Lesions
###The potential for artificial intelligence in healthcare Link: