Folsom is an Erlang based metrics system inspired by Coda Hale's metrics (
Graphite is a realtime graphing system.
Folsomite runs in your Erlang virtual machine, periodically aggregates all present Folsom metrics and forwards them to Graphite.
Any version of erlang suitable to run Folsom should be supported. Use rebar to build like:
rebar3 compile
{application, my_app,
[{description, "my_app"},
{vsn, git},
{registered, []},
{applications, [kernel,
{mod, []},
[{folsom, [{counter, [{my_app, my_counter}, {my_app, my_counter2}]},
{gauge, [my_gauge]},
{histogram, [{my_app, my_histo}, slide_uniform, {60, 1028}]}
[{graphite_host, ""},
{node_key, "billing-prod-us-east-1"}