A centralised task/job scheduler (simulation)
Code tested and debugged on ubuntu 20.04
Run the following commands:
sh run.sh
python3 log_analyser.py
or run
python3 start_system.py config.json RANDOM 10
or explicitly create directories as last resort
mkdir logs/ img/
and run the following commands on 5 different terminals, in the respective order.
python3 worker.py 4000 1
python3 worker.py 4001 2
python3 worker.py 4002 3
python3 master.py config.json RANDOM
python3 requests.py 3
python3 log_analyser.py
5000 - requests.py -> master.py
4000 - master.py -> worker.py 4000 1
4001 - master.py -> worker.py 4001 2
4002 - master.py -> worker.py 4002 3
5001 - worker.py -> master.py