Export data from Observium to phpIPAM
Observium is network monitoring with intuition. It is a low-maintenance auto-discovering network monitoring platform supporting a wide range of device types
phpIPAM is an open-source web IP address management (IPAM) and Data Center Infrastructure Management (DCIM) software
These two applications make our lives easier, and if they share and exchange information, even more.
Observium discovers devices, networks and IP addresses, phpIPAM documents networks and IP addresses used, and even documents the racks ... and these little pieces of code keep the information up to date between the two.
Site: Observium homepage <---> phpIPAM homepage
- Export devices from Observium to phpIPAM (hardware info, os, version release, snmp configuration, etc... )
- Export discovered network from Observium to phpIPAM
- Registers in phpIPAM the IPs used by the existing devices in Observium
- Registers in phpIPAM the IP / MAC found in the ARP tables of any Observium devices
- In phpIPAM, link to the URL of the administration device (you may be need to register the winbox:// url of your browser to the winbox application, in the case of the Mikrotik)
- In phpIPAM, link to the device in Observium
you can use that observium docker image that includes o2ipam ... or by hand yourself
Define this custom field in phpIPAM in the device section:
- admin_url -> varchar(255)
- observium_url -> varchar(255)
- observium_id -> int(5)
- vendor -> varchar(255)
- hardware -> text
- os -> varchar(32)
- version -> text
- asset_tag -> varchar(32)
- serial -> varchar(128)
Define in phpIPAM a new section where to import all the networks discovered by observium
In phpIPAM, create a new api app
Clone this repository en /opt/observium
Edit o2ipam_config.php with app name y api key from phpIPAM or set environment variable with value
Add cron job, to export data from Observium to phpIPAM after full discovery job
45 */6 * * * root /opt/observium/o2ipam/o2ipam_00_devices.php
48 */6 * * * root /opt/observium/o2ipam/o2ipam_01_network.php
52 */6 * * * root /opt/observium/o2ipam/o2ipam_02_address.php
58 * * * * root /opt/observium/o2ipam/o2ipam_03_ipmac.php
- phpipam_url
- observium_url
- phpipam_api
- phpipam_key
- phpipam_default_section