Hi, I'm Rob.
I'm not a real programmer. I'm a civil engineer with a coding problem. In 2015, while learning python, I did enough searching to participate in the Google Foobar challenge. I enjoyed the challenge, but it didn't result in an interview, despite being contacted by Google's recruiters twice. In order to continue learning with coding challenges, I have participated in the Advent of Code. Much of my AoC work was run in the browser with python through pyodide. I did all but 2019 in notebooks on starboard.gg/robsh. 2019 (IntCode) was my first live attempt at AoC, and can be found in this repository. I have a working IntCode VM in python, but I also have one in VBA/Excel so I could do maze problems using cells. I completed 2020, and in 2021 I got to Day 22. Years prior to 2019 I only worked through after the fact, until they stumped me.
Most of my interesting code is at on my Gist. A simple USGS NationalMap 10m query at least partially inspired the code at pygeodesy. At the time I created geoid.py, there was no such functionality in pygeodesy. It's possible, but not confirmed, that code inspired the implementation of Geoid 12B in pygeodesy/geoids, as it functions similarly loading the binary file and interpolating with scipy.
Other notable code for Excel I've written:
- An Array Formula for Muskingum Routing in Excel
- Some LAMBDA functions in Excel, including linear interpolation by lookup, and Conway's Game of Life
- Excel VBA Subs to calculate the area/length of polygons/lines drawn in Excel
- Excel VBA Sub to convert/extract a Chart Trendline, into a LINEST function with full precision