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Small hobby Arduino/ROS project. Mainly for keeping references of how to setup the development environment (terminal-based: vim, platformio command line tool, ROS)


  • Arduino Nano Atmega 328
  • laser module
  • digital temperature module

General references

Installing platformio and project

Obviously, get latest source from git (was more up-to-date than PyPI)

mkvirtualenv --python=$(which python2) platformio
pip install -e "git+"

Prepare serial port reading

sudo usermod -a -G dialout $(echo $USER)

Install udev rules file

wget -qO- | sudo tee /etc/udev/rules.d/99-platformio-udev.rules > /dev/null

Create empty project dir or clone

platformio init -b nanoatmega328 --ide vim

Vim-related setup procedure

Download, see the docs


Hack Arduino code and compile

platformio run

Search libraries (example: ROS)

platformio lib search ros

Install desired package

platformio lib install 345

Upload to board

platformio run -t upload    #or: make upload

Installing ROS environment

sudo apt-get install ros-kinetic-desktop-full ros-kinetic-rosserial ros-kinetic-rosserial-arduino

Don't forget to

source /opt/ros/kinetic/setup.zsh

Run stuff

Plug board to USB port and run serial connection node (OUTSIDE virtualenv)

roslaunch serial.launch --screen

Toggle laser by

rostopic pub /switch_laser std_msgs/Empty "{}" --once

Read temperature by

rostopic echo /temperature


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