Tools for packaging a PyMacaron microservice as a Docker image.
See more at
To generate a new pymacaron/base image, run:
./bin/pymdockerbase --push
By default, the generated new base image gets tagged with a version number generated from today's date and the commit number.
You can see available pymacaron base images here.
To give the most recent image the 'stable' tag, do:
First make sure the image is indeed stable by using it as the base image to various pymacaron services for a while
Then give it the stable tag and push back to
docker pull pymacaron/base:<LATEST_VERSION>
docker tag pymacaron/base:<LATEST_VERSION> pymacaron/base:stable
# Optionally: do 'docker login'
docker push pymacaron/base:stable
Build a pymacaron docker image and/or push it to a docker repository. For details:
pymdocker --help
Erwan Lemonnier