EZWC is a CLI tool to easily create web components written in a format similar to Vue single file components that are transpiled to native web components.
Node 10 or higher is required.
To get started, install the CLI globally:
$ npm install -g ezwc-cli
To transpile a .ezwc file to a web component (with output name specified), run:
$ ezwc -i path/to/component.ezwc -o path/to/output.js
To transpile all .ezwc files in a directory and all subdirectories to web components (with output directory specified), run:
$ ezwc -i ./ -o dist
It's also possible to omit the output option to output in the same directories as source files:
$ ezwc -i ./
Web components are the future of front-end web development. Luckily, the future is (mostly) now!
Web components are a great technology to have built into standards. They enable easy creation of a single, re-usable unit of code that doesn't require any libraries to run‡.
That being said, they may not always be the prettiest to write. Vue offers the ability to create a single file component split into three, easy to read and write sections. The ezwc (short for easy web components) format is inspired by the Vue single file component design and tailored for native web components.
Essentially, a .ezwc file goes in and a usable ES2015+ .js file containing your web component comes out!
- Syntax similar to Vue's single file components for easy code organization
- Ability to abstract source code into separate files that are imported
- Style preprocessors, Typescript, and template engine support
- Syntactic sugar
- Watch feature - including imported files!
- Generate command to easily create a new component - including imported source file stubs
- New command to generate an EZWC-based project
- Config file support for easier project development
Full documentation is available in the wiki.
A webpack loader is available for EZWC. See the ezwc-loader page for more information.
Include the output JavaScript file in your code using your build tool chain or directly. Then reference your new component just like any other web component (because now it is!):
<my-component greeting="Yassss queen!"></my-component>
- Style pre-processor support for LESS and Stylus
- API support to be useful programtically
Contributions are welcome! When contributing, please ensure that:
- all existing unit tests still run successfully and are updated
- new code is covered as thoroughly and accurately as possible
Any issues tagged with help wanted
are up for grabs for various reasons (usually a lack of my knowledge on something that I know will be useful for others).
Contributions are welcome! When contributing, please ensure that:
- All existing unit tests still run successfully and are updated
- That new code is covered as thoroughly and accurately as possible
Any issues tagged with help wanted
are up for grabs for various reasons (usually a lack of my knowledge on something that I know will be useful for others).
‡ As of q2 2019, some browsers do still need a polyfill but those browsers are becoming less and less frequently used.
(c) 2019 Pynk Lynn LLC