workfriendly don't waste time commuting
minute commute
Help people find appartment/room rent information which has less commute time
when people search appartment rent informaton (on craigslist for example), they are usually only can limit the "miles from zip". While distance is important, it is more critical that we need to consider the commute time (car, bus, bike, walk). Moreover, we can add more similar features in different versions, such as showing the time not only to the working location, but also other places (hospital, schools, grocery stores)
- Data: S3
(Preprocessing/data streaming: Kafka-Spark)(not enough large data set)- Database: MySQL
- Web application UI: Flask
from 5 areas in SF-Bay area(AREAS = ["eby", "sfc", "sby", "nby", "pen"]), each 20 newest results.
(venv) peng@ubuntu:~/myproject/apartment-finder$ python
Fri Apr 27 13:04:27 2018: Got 96 results
from sqlalchemy import create_engine
engine = create_engine('sqlite:///listings.db', echo=False)
(venv) peng@ubuntu:~/myproject/apartment-finder$ python
driving: 10 mins
walking: 1 hour 13 mins
bicycling: 22 mins
transit: 46 mins
driving: 37 mins
walking: 8 hours 0 mins
bicycling: 2 hours 19 mins
transit: 1 hour 42 mins
Docker -> Kubernetes
- Source control: Github
- Continuous integration and deployment: Jenkins
- Container: Docker, Kubernetes
sudo docker-compose build
sudo docker-compose up -d
sudo docker-compose run --rm web python ./instance/