Custom stow implementation in Rust
Like stow but simpler and with more crabs
rstow [FLAGS] [OPTIONS] --target <target>
-b, --backup Create a backup of the file before override it with a symlink
-d, --dryrun Dry run rstow (this will do not affect files and logs what should be done)
-f, --force Force override files on target using a symlink
-h, --help Prints help information
-u, --unstow Un-stow a target path from source (will remove symlinks and rename re-use backup files if exist)
-V, --version Prints version information
-v, --verbosity Pass many times for more log output
By default, it'll only report errors. Passing `-v` one time also prints warnings, `-vv` enables
info logging, `-vvv` debug, and `-vvvv` trace.
-s, --source <source> Source directory [default: ./]
-t, --target <target> Target directory
Stow from ./dotfiles/home
folder to actual user home folder
rstow --force --backup --source ./dotfiles/home --target $HOME -vv