- ByteTrack
- Effective and generic association method, tracking by associating almost every detection box instead of only the high score ones
- First Association
- Matcing high score detection bounding boxes based on motion similarity and appearance similarity
- Next, Kalman filter is applied to predict the position of the tracklets of the next frame
- This process is similar to traditional trackers
- Second Association
- The difference of BYTE is considering the low score detection bounding boxes once more
- Based on the same motion similarity, we match unmatched tracklets and low score boxes such as the occlusion boxes
- First Association
- Similarity metric: IoU-based (re-id is not supported)
- It is dependent to performance of detection.
- More details
- Pseudo-code of BYTE
- You only look once (YOLO) is one of the the powerful and real-time 1-stage object detection systems
- Improved features compared to yolov2: FPN,shortcut connection, logistic regression etc.
- More details: YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement
- Identifying objects detected by yolov3
- Train yolov3 model
- Detect image
- Convert yolov3 Pytorch weigths to TensorRT engine
- Real-time inference with yolov3 TensorRT engine
- byte_tracker_config.ini: byte tracker parameters
- yolov3_config.ini: yolov3 model parameters
- train_config.ini: yolov3 train parameters
- tensorrt_config.ini: yolov3 tensorrt parameters
docker pull qbxlvnf11docker/byte_tracker_yolov3:latest
nvidia-docker run -it --name byte_tracker_yolov3 -v {yolo-v3-tensorrt-repository-path}:/workspace/Byte-Tracker-Yolov3 -w /workspace/Byte-Tracker-Yolov3 qbxlvnf11docker/byte_tracker_yolov3:latest bash
- Params: refer to config files and parse_args()
python main.py --mode byte-multi-objects-tracking-images
./create_model_def.sh {class_num} {cfg_name}
- Params: refer to config files and parse_args()
python train.py --mode yolov3-train
- Params: refer to config files and parse_args()
python yolov3_convert_onnx_tensorrt.py --yolov3_config_file_path ./config/yolov3_config.ini --tensorrt_config_file_path ./config/tensorrt_config.ini
- GOT-10k: http://got-10k.aitestunion.com/
- DanceTrack: https://sites.google.com/view/dancetrackmot
- Download COCO2014 dataset
- Building data json for optimizing yolov3
- In train process, read builded data json file and get train data
- Params: refer to parse_args()
python yolov3_convert_onnx_tensorrt.py --target coco2014 --data_folder_path ./data/train_data/coco --save_folder_path ./data/data_json/coco
- parsing_data_dic['class_format'] = type of class ('name' or 'id')
- parsing_data_dic['label_scale'] = scale of label ('absolute' or 'relative')
- parsing_data_dic['image_list'] = [{'id'-image id, 'image_file_path'-image file path}, ...]
- parsing_data_dic['object_boxes_list'] = [{'image_id'-image id, 'object_box_num'-number of the object per image, 'object_box_id_list'-[object box id, ...], 'object_name_list'-[object name, ...], 'object_box_list'-[[center x, center y, box_width, box_height], ...], 'object_box_size_list'-[object box size, ...], }, ...]
- parsing_data_dic['image_num'] = number of the image
- parsing_data_dic['object_boxes_num'] = [number of the total objects, ...]
title={ByteTrack: Multi-Object Tracking by Associating Every Detection Box},
author={Yifu Zhang et al.},
journal = {arXiv},
title={YOLOv3: An Incremental Improvement},
author={Redmon, Joseph and Farhadi, Ali},
journal = {arXiv},