an automatic rebalancing bot for IB TWS
Like every healthy human being, I want to get rich. That's why I wrote this bot.
Alright, so. Rebalancing is good, but doing it manually is a pain in the ass, so this bot rebalances continuously.
Also, you don't get rich by just rebalancing -- you have to buy low and sell high. Because I don't pretend I have any sort of edge or view that would let me beat the market, I implement this in the most brain-dead way possible: tap margin in proportion to drawdown from all-time-high. Shout-out to JPow + IBKR for keeping those margin rates so juicily low, which is the only thing that makes margin use for a retail schmuck like me remotely feasible.
What's the catch? As you can see here , if drawdowns exceed around 60% I start liquidating at a huge loss (and am also in huge debt). That's gg. Also, a rate hikes into a deep drawdown would turn the negative cash balance into lava. There's probably other shit I haven't bothered to think about. Other than that, it's free money.
The architecture of this codebase is garbage the result of organic growth,
because I didn't bother separating the API logic from the rebalancing logic.
For this reason this bot is impossible to backtest -- or test, at all, when not
connected to TWS during live market hours.
While I personally find testing half-baked algorithm changes live in my main account exciting, I can see why it's not everyone's jam. Flying blind vis-a-vis even the most rudimentary backtest is also annoying.
For this reason, I'm currently rewriting this bot -- in Kotlin, because I'm sick of Python and want to pad my portfolio.
Stay tuned.