Java Projects from Hyperskill
- Tic Tac Toe: Allow to play Tic Tac Toe. Supports two players and show the result of the game.
- Cinema: Print the seats of the cinema. It allow to buy tickets, reserve a seat, calculate prices and statistics.
- Coffee Machine: Using OOP, this is a machine that saves the current inventory, money earned, calculate insumes per cup and more.
- ASCII mirror: Program written in JAVA that reads from files to print on the screen.
- Simple Chatty Bot: Simple program written in JAVA, using inputs and screen prints.
- Cinema REST Room Service: Program build with JAVA and Spring BOOT that allow to buy tickets, thrown errors, request params and bodies.
- Chuck Norris Cipher Encoder: Program that encode and decode strings in binary following a pattern.
- Converter: Program that converts from one base to another base. Allows BigIntegers or BigDecimal from numeric base system from 2 to 36.
- Bulls and Cows: Program that implements the game Bulls and Cows. It generates a random number or random string accordingly to user requirements and it gives turns to the player to find the right solution.
- Amazing Numbers: Program that find special numbers (spy, even, odd, happy, sad, palindromic, sunny, duck, jumping) based on user input.
- Zookeeper: Program that prints specific strings (formatted aniamls with symbols) based on user input. Use case of block texts.
- Minesweeper: Popular game Minesweeper. The player needs to indicate the position of a mine or a number. Win if he guess all correct positions without touching mines.
- Readability: Program that calculates the number of words, sentences, characters and other type of indexes (Readability). Reads from a file .txt.
- Flashcards: Program that works similar to Anki System. It saves terms and their definitions. User can import, export files, ask for cards saved, add cards, print or save the log, get stats and reset stats.