A funny spider
It already finished, after a series of exams...
This time, I made this spider just for fun.:-)
Actucally, this spider has existed, I just update and fix it.
Any questions, you can send to my e-mail:qwjlu@sina.com, I'll solve it soon.
- JDK 1.8.0
- Tomcat 9.0
- ElasticSearch 5.x(and need ansj, or you can edit the spiderinfo.json and webpage.json to adjust other Tokenizer, like ik.)
Casperjs(you need to install phontomjs before)
Optional:redis 3.2.x or 4.0
After you downloaded this .war, and finished configure jdk,tomcat,..., you should put that into TOMCAT_HOME/webapp.
cd <your tomcat dir>
Find your tomcat directory, into the bin, you'll find the tomcat9w.exe, then start it, you must know how to startup it.
Open your browser
input the url:http://localhost:8080/nest-spider/ into location bar(if you change your tomcat port, remember change the port in the url)
Yup, It already started!
Setting up your casperjs's port:9302
If you want another port, you need to decompress this war, and find the staticvalue.json, confgure the casperjs.
"ajaxDownloader": "http://localhost:9302/"
And change to your port.
- Decompressing this war, then find the staticvalue.json,configure the es(cause the default option is not need elasticsearch)
- Change to your cluster
"esClusterName": "nest"
If you want to change the host and port
"esHost": "localhost",
"esPort": 9300,
You need start elasticsearch before you catch the web pages.