Performance comparison of C++ error handling mechanisms.
The benchmarks currently support only Windows.
- Windows 10 with Symlink support for the project directory.
- Visual Studio 2019 with Desktop development with C++ selected.
- CMake >= 3.15 in
. - Ninja in
. - Git in
Everything is handled by the makefile.
- The make.cmd script is a wrapper for
- Running any make command except
make clean
will download and build LLVM. - Build and run all benchmarks with the
make run
Intel Core i7-8700K.
12 x 3696 MHz
L1 Data 32K (x6)
L1 Instruction 32K (x6)
L2 Unified 262K (x6)
L3 Unified 12582K (x1)
Benchmark Time CPU Toolchain
co_result/success 1.42 ns 1.42 ns llvm-stl-space
co_result/success 1.45 ns 1.46 ns llvm-stl-space-no-exceptions
co_result/success 1.49 ns 1.50 ns llvm-cxx-space
exception/success 1.49 ns 1.50 ns llvm-stl-speed
co_result/success 1.50 ns 1.50 ns llvm-stl-speed
co_result/success 1.51 ns 1.50 ns llvm-cxx-speed-no-exceptions
co_result/success 1.63 ns 1.65 ns llvm-stl-speed-no-exceptions
co_result/success 1.67 ns 1.67 ns llvm-cxx-space-no-exceptions
co_result/success 1.77 ns 1.76 ns llvm-cxx-speed
exception/success 1.84 ns 1.85 ns llvm-cxx-speed
exception/success 1.99 ns 1.99 ns llvm-stl-space
exception/success 2.11 ns 2.13 ns llvm-cxx-space
exception/success 2.28 ns 2.25 ns msvc-stl-speed
error_code/success 2.52 ns 2.49 ns llvm-cxx-speed-no-exceptions
error_code/success 2.90 ns 2.85 ns llvm-cxx-speed
system_error/success 3.10 ns 3.07 ns llvm-cxx-space
exception/success 3.07 ns 3.15 ns msvc-stl-space
system_error/success 3.19 ns 3.25 ns llvm-cxx-speed
error_code/success 3.43 ns 3.45 ns llvm-cxx-space-no-exceptions
error_code/success 3.92 ns 3.92 ns llvm-cxx-space
system_error/success 6.67 ns 6.63 ns llvm-stl-speed
system_error/success 7.34 ns 7.32 ns llvm-stl-space
system_error/success 8.05 ns 7.95 ns msvc-stl-speed
system_error/success 9.07 ns 9.21 ns msvc-stl-space
error_code/success 10.3 ns 10.3 ns llvm-stl-speed
error_code/success 11.2 ns 11.0 ns msvc-stl-speed
error_code/success 11.3 ns 11.4 ns msvc-stl-space-no-exceptions
error_code/success 11.7 ns 11.7 ns msvc-stl-speed-no-exceptions
error_code/success 11.8 ns 11.7 ns llvm-stl-speed-no-exceptions
error_code/success 13.1 ns 13.2 ns llvm-stl-space-no-exceptions
error_code/success 13.9 ns 14.1 ns msvc-stl-space
error_code/success 14.4 ns 14.5 ns llvm-stl-space
co_result/success 50.3 ns 50.2 ns msvc-stl-speed
co_result/success 53.7 ns 54.4 ns msvc-stl-space
co_result/success 54.0 ns 54.4 ns msvc-stl-speed-no-exceptions
co_result/success 55.9 ns 55.8 ns msvc-stl-space-no-exceptions
co_result/failure 1.20 ns 1.19 ns llvm-cxx-speed-no-exceptions
co_result/failure 1.39 ns 1.38 ns llvm-stl-space-no-exceptions
co_result/failure 1.47 ns 1.46 ns llvm-cxx-speed
co_result/failure 1.50 ns 1.50 ns llvm-stl-speed-no-exceptions
co_result/failure 1.54 ns 1.53 ns llvm-stl-speed
co_result/failure 1.72 ns 1.72 ns llvm-cxx-space
co_result/failure 1.75 ns 1.73 ns llvm-stl-space
co_result/failure 1.75 ns 1.76 ns llvm-cxx-space-no-exceptions
error_code/failure 2.14 ns 2.15 ns llvm-cxx-speed-no-exceptions
error_code/failure 2.20 ns 2.18 ns llvm-cxx-speed
error_code/failure 3.27 ns 3.22 ns llvm-cxx-space-no-exceptions
error_code/failure 3.50 ns 3.45 ns llvm-cxx-space
error_code/failure 10.9 ns 11.0 ns msvc-stl-speed-no-exceptions
error_code/failure 11.2 ns 11.2 ns llvm-stl-speed
error_code/failure 11.4 ns 11.2 ns llvm-stl-speed-no-exceptions
error_code/failure 11.7 ns 11.6 ns msvc-stl-speed
error_code/failure 12.5 ns 12.6 ns llvm-stl-space-no-exceptions
error_code/failure 12.6 ns 12.6 ns msvc-stl-space-no-exceptions
error_code/failure 13.0 ns 13.1 ns msvc-stl-space
error_code/failure 13.2 ns 13.1 ns llvm-stl-space
co_result/failure 54.5 ns 54.4 ns msvc-stl-speed
co_result/failure 56.4 ns 55.8 ns msvc-stl-space-no-exceptions
co_result/failure 57.0 ns 57.2 ns msvc-stl-speed-no-exceptions
co_result/failure 58.2 ns 58.6 ns msvc-stl-space
exception/failure 1689 ns 1674 ns msvc-stl-space
exception/failure 1692 ns 1674 ns llvm-cxx-speed
exception/failure 1683 ns 1688 ns llvm-stl-space
exception/failure 1704 ns 1726 ns llvm-cxx-space
system_error/failure 1796 ns 1758 ns llvm-stl-speed
exception/failure 1769 ns 1803 ns llvm-stl-speed
exception/failure 1808 ns 1814 ns msvc-stl-speed
system_error/failure 1827 ns 1842 ns llvm-stl-space
system_error/failure 1829 ns 1842 ns llvm-cxx-speed
system_error/failure 1836 ns 1842 ns llvm-cxx-space
system_error/failure 1922 ns 1904 ns msvc-stl-space
system_error/failure 1960 ns 1950 ns msvc-stl-speed
Binary size.
456192 llvm-cxx-space-no-exceptions/co_result
459264 llvm-cxx-space-no-exceptions/error_code
514560 llvm-cxx-space/co_result
514560 llvm-cxx-space/exception
516096 llvm-cxx-space/error_code
516608 llvm-cxx-space/system_error
562688 llvm-cxx-speed-no-exceptions/co_result
567296 llvm-cxx-speed-no-exceptions/error_code
570880 llvm-stl-space-no-exceptions/co_result
570880 llvm-stl-space/co_result
571392 llvm-stl-space/exception
572416 llvm-stl-space-no-exceptions/error_code
575488 llvm-stl-space/error_code
578048 llvm-stl-space/system_error
579584 msvc-stl-space-no-exceptions/co_result
581120 msvc-stl-space-no-exceptions/error_code
589312 msvc-stl-space/exception
589824 msvc-stl-space/co_result
594432 msvc-stl-space/error_code
594944 msvc-stl-space/system_error
623104 msvc-stl-speed-no-exceptions/co_result
625152 msvc-stl-speed-no-exceptions/error_code
633856 msvc-stl-speed/exception
634368 msvc-stl-speed/co_result
635904 msvc-stl-speed/error_code
636416 llvm-stl-speed-no-exceptions/co_result
636416 llvm-stl-speed/co_result
636416 msvc-stl-speed/system_error
636928 llvm-stl-speed/exception
638976 llvm-stl-speed-no-exceptions/error_code
642048 llvm-stl-speed/error_code
642560 llvm-cxx-speed/co_result
643072 llvm-cxx-speed/exception
644096 llvm-cxx-speed/error_code
645120 llvm-cxx-speed/system_error
645120 llvm-stl-speed/system_error