Light and modular system monitoring software for status bar of tiling window managers like xmonad or dwm.
Only for Linux based distributions, written in C.
Light, modular, easy to use, easy to maintain.
- date and time
- current ESSID with signal quality in percent
- battery status with remaining percent
- power notifications
- brightness level in percent
- CPU usage in percent
- CPU frequency
- average temperature of inputs in degree Celsius
- detailed / percent used memory
- current audio volume in percent
- mounted filesystem usage
- libc
- POSIX threads (libpthread)
- libnotify
- PulseAudio Library (libpulse)
- Netlink Protocol Library Suite (libnl3)
👉🏼 link
Once installed, copy default configuration file into your config directory.
mkdir -p ~/.config/qlstatus
cp /etc/qlstatus.conf ~/.config/qlstatus/qlstatus.conf
Compile from sources and install binary, man page and system-configuration file:
cd /path/to/repo
mkdir build
cmake -B build/
cmake --build build/
cmake --install build/
Prefix install directory is set by default to /usr/local
. To changes this use --prefix
cmake --install build/ --prefix /my/install/dir
Once installed, the list of installed files can be found in build/install_manifest.txt
You should override default value of some options by editing ~/.config/qlstatus/qlstatus.conf
You can find an example of this file at the root of this repository. Each option has key = value
To enable modules and change the output order of the modules, override the value of the format
format = %U %M %B < %D
Use following escape sequences to enable the desired modules:
date and time%U
CPU usage%F
CPU freq%T
mounted filesystem usage
For each module you can change its output format by editing the related format option, e.g.
# battery
battery_format = %L %V # gives the output: bat 42%
battery_format = %V # to only print remaining percent
# wireless
wireless_format = %L: %V # gives: ESSID: 84%
Any no-escaped character will be print.
For modules which support a critical threshold, you can enable support of spectrwm colors and set the index of desired spectrwm foreground color to use when a module value reach the critical threshold, e.g.
enable_spectrwm_colors = 1
critical_color_index = 2
-- The support of spectrwm colors is stopped for now --
By default notifications related to the battery are enabled. Change the value of the power_notifications
to enable or disable power notifications.
Three notifications are triggered:
- when battery is fully charged
- when AC adpater is plugged
- when battery reach the critical threshold
You can choose desired icons by specifying their name through the following options: