A list of solved algorithm problems from BOJ / Programmers / LeetCode. Most of problems will be solved in Javascript
and Python
└─ assets
└─ javascript
│ ├─ BOJ
│ ├─ LeetCode
│ │ └─ Algorithm I
│ └─ Programmers
│ └─ Level 0
└─ python
│ ├─ BOJ
│ | └─ 🥈SILVER
│ └─ Programmers
└─ README.md
[yymmdd][Level #] title, extra explanation
[yymmdd][Level #] problem#. title, extra explanation
[yymmdd][Binary Search] problem#. title, extra explanation
- A commit per a solved problem
- 한 문제 당 커밋 하나
Check out my tech blog for comments on these algorithm problems
BOJ(BaekJoon Online Judge) is a Korean based Online Judge that offers various kinds of algorithm problems for programmers.
[Bronze]: For beginners
[Silver]: For intermediate learners.
[Gold]: For advanced learners.
[Platinum]: For advanced learners whose targets are top-tier companies.
Programmers is also a Korean based Online Judge that provides a list of challenges.
- [Level 0]: For noobs
- [Level 1]: For beginners
- [Level 2]: For intermediate learners
- [Level 3]: For advanced learners.
- [Level 4]: For advanced learners whose targets are top-tier companies.
LeetCode is the best platform to help you enhance your skills, expand your knowledge and prepare for technical interviews.
- Algorithm I
- Algorithm II
- Algorithm III