I'm not sure why I didn't fork this from Taytay/vagrant-ansible-postgres but I didn't.. so there we go
I changed a couple of things to update to PostgresSQL 9.5 and Ansible 2 but that's about it
This uses Ansible to provision a Vagrant box with Postgres 9.5 and PHP7 for use with a a Symfony project.
It optionally installs pgtap as well for use in testing your database configuration.
Ansible will be installed on the Vagrant guest box and run from there.
I have used this for the PostgreSQL stuff.
I've also used this as the base box (includes the basic setup for Symfony with PHP 7).
###Everything that follows is form the original README.md (see Taytay/vagrant-ansible-postgres)
- Vagrant
- VirtualBox
on the host, if host is Linux. (Hat tip to davidemoro)
$ vagrant up
Your Vagrant box will now be running Postgresql, on localhost:5432.
The default user/password is: pgsuper/password
You can modify this and other playbook variables variables inside of provisioning/group_vars/all
If you want to install pgtap, which is helpful for unit testing your database, you can uncomment the pgtap role from the playbook.yml
Any time you make a change to the Ansible scripts and want to rerun provisioning:
$ vagrant provision
I got almost everything in the playbook from Taytay/vagrant-ansible-postgres who in turn (I quote) "got a lot of the playbook ideas and code from Kami/ansible-postgresql, and as a result, this Playbook must be distributed under the Apache 2.0 license".