Vincent, Leon, Sam
Things needed to run
IDE with plugins for CSS/PHP/JavaScript/HTML
IDEA used to test: intelliJ IDEA
Version 1.0 - 7/23/2016
This program allows users to to make an account whos information is stored in a txt file as a make shift database.
Once an account is made the user will be sent to the log in page where they can now log in with their account information.
Usernames at this stage are not unique.
Passwords are checked to make sure thay are 8-12 characters long and contain lower case, upper case, and number character.
Information is stored in a session which will be used to suttle information between web pages.
-initial code pushed to github
-user register and login feature made using text file as DB
-session used to store data between web pages
-user form to add/change personal data
-admin acccount with 2 layers of security
-which to myphpadmin?
Version 2.0 - 7/31/2016
@update This program now saves user data in a database instead of a text file. Usernames are now unique. Upon successful login users information is displayed on the home page like a mini profile. Forms tab was implemented. Users can now fill out and submit the form to change their information. Once user information is updated, the new information is displayed on the home page.
-Unique user names are now implemented
-Data base is now used instead of a text file
-User information is now displayed/changed/stored using a database and queries
-encryption of data before storing in table?
-admin account with 2 layers of security
-levels of access and user input sanitation
Version 3.0 - 8/7/2016
@update Testing Encryption + salting code found online