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QUIC Hunter: Finding QUIC Deployments and Identifying Server Libraries Across the Internet

This repository is based on the paper QUIC Hunter: Finding QUIC Deployments and Identifying Server Libraries Across the Internet published in the proceedings of the Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM) 2024. For more information, we refer to the paper.

If you use material from this repository, please cite the paper:

  author = {Zirngibl, Johannes and Gebauer, Florian and Sattler, Patrick and Sosnowski, Markus and Carle, Georg},
  title = {{QUIC Hunter: Finding QUIC Deployments and Identifying Server Libraries Across the Internet}},
  booktitle = {Passive and Active Measurement Conference (PAM)},
  year = {2024},
  month = mar,
  month_numeric = {3}

Library Identification Tools

The identification directory contains scripts to identify QUIC libraries based on the QScanner output and the methodology described in the paper. identifies libraries based on the error message triggered by an ALPN value "invalid". The QScanner does not allow to configure the sent ALPN value. Therefore, we updated the code and create a dedicated binary. To recreate the binary yourself, change NextProtos to []string{"invalid"} (or apply our provided patch file with git apply 0001-send-invalid-as-alpn-value.patch).

Alt text identifies libraries based on the transport parameter order. It relies on the output of the QScanner in case of successful handshakes. Therefore, the second binary relies on the normal behavior sending h3 as ALPN value and conducts an HTTP/3 get request additionally (a binary is also provided). The logic to parse the QScanner output and extract the transport parameters as sent on the wire is given in If a parameter list collides between a static library and one that randomizes the order, it is marked explicitly and targets can be scanned again. More information about this is available in the paper.

Alt text can be used to combine the identification from the previous two approaches, check for inconsistencies and unify both identifications.

As explained in the paper, we use a different QUIC packet with ZMap to trigger the version negotiation by the server. Therefore, the result is not directly parsed. We added a python script ( that allows to parse the ZMap output and in case of a version negotiation, extracts offered QUIC versions.

Test Environment for QUIC Scanning

The testenvironment directory contains our local environment based on Docker and different QUIC server containers for the QUIC Interop Runner.

It allows testing ZMap and the QScanner against common server implementations and was used to test different means to identify QUIC libraries.

It is inspired by the QUIC Interop Test Runner and uses the Docker images (with their configuration and parameter passing) as well as the certificate generation scripts and general ideas.


Make sure the following things are ready:

  • python3 (Tested with: Python 3.9.2)
  • Docker (Tested with: Docker version 20.10.21, build baeda1f)
  • Docker Compose (Tested with: Docker Compose version v1.29.1)
  • Python module Jinja2


Manual setup

  • Generate the certificate (the number parameter is the chain length)
cd certificate
chmod +x
./ certs 1
cd ..
  • Build the Docker image that will run the scanners
cd scanimage
chmod +x
cd ..
  • Copy the scanner binaries you want to run to scanners/. The following names are expected:
    • zmap
    • qscanner
  • If the scanners are compiled on a different OS (version) than ubuntu:22.04 they may not run inside the container!
    • In this case, adjust the scanning OS (version) in scanimage/Dockerfile accordingly
cp [src] scanners/
  • Provided binaries were built on Debian 11 with Linux 5.10.0-18-amd64

Run a scan

All configuration is done in

  • Enable/disable each of the three scanners
  • Set parameters for the servers and scanners
  • Enable/disable and add server images

If you want to adjust the commands and parameters that start the scanners, you can do so in templates/

After you finished configuring your scan, simply start it with:

$ python3


The script will create a dedicated folder inside results (if not configured otherwise).

This folder includes:

  • input/ contains the input files and script used for the scans
  • misc/ contains the copied certificate, scanners, config and compose file (if enabled)
  • output/ contains a directory for each scanner with their output files and the paket capture (if enabled)
  • serverlogs/ contains a directory for each server with the logs they generated in their containers (if enabled)
  • compose_out.log is the console output of compose and all containers (useful for debugging)
  • server_mapping.csv is a mapping between the implementation and its IP address in the scan

Quick statistics of the scan

For convenience, this project provides a short script to generate a statistic for a quick summary of the scan.

  • These scripts additionally require the following Python modules:
    • pandas
    • numpy
    • pyshark

The statistics script uses the output of each scanner (and uses the classified ZMap output if available):

$ python3 analysis/ results/scan_XXXX-XX-XX_XX-XX-XX/

This will create the file statistics.txt in the scan directory.


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