Template Haskell library for decision tree learning
Currently there is just one exported function: learnDT :: (Ord t, Ord b) => (t -> ExpQ) -> [(M.Map b Name -> ExpQ, a -> b)] -> [(a, t)] -> ExpQ
This function uses the first 2 arguments to construct decision tree nodes, and the third argument to construct the decision tree. The result is an expression that can be spliced into a function definition.
The current version has no capacity for pruning the tree, it just creates a leaf node when all the remaining data points have the same label. But identical subtrees are detected and re-used.
This is a reasonably simple usage example:
{-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.IO
import System.Process
import Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec
import qualified Data.Map as M
import Data.List
import Data.Function.DecisionTree
$( do
rawData <- runIO $ readProcess
["-O", "-",
cellParser = many $ satisfy (not . (`elem` ",\n"))
lineParser :: Parser ((Double,Double,Double,Double),String)
lineParser = do
sepalLength <- fmap read cellParser
char ','
sepalWidth <- fmap read cellParser
char ','
petalLength <- fmap read cellParser
char ','
petalWidth <- fmap read cellParser
char ','
species <- cellParser
try (char '\n') <|> return '\n'
return ((sepalLength,sepalWidth,petalLength,petalWidth),species)
datParser = many lineParser
case parse datParser "http://archive.ics.uci.edu/ml/machine-learning-databases/iris/bezdekIris.data" rawData of
Left m -> fail $ show m
Right rd -> do
[sepalLength,sepalWidth,petalLength,petalWidth] = map mkName ["sepalLength","sepalWidth","petalLength","petalWidth"]
[slv,swv,plv,pwv] = map (\ef ->
tail $ map head $ group $ sort $ map ef rd
) [
\((l,_,_,_),_) -> l,
\((_,w,_,_),_) -> w,
\((_,_,l,_),_) -> l,
\((_,_,_,w),_) -> w
slc :: Double -> (M.Map Bool Name -> ExpQ, (Double,Double,Double,Double) -> Bool)
slc n = (\b -> case (M.lookup True b, M.lookup False b) of
(Just lt, Just geq) -> [| if $(varE sepalLength) < $(litE . rationalL . toRational $ n) then $(varE lt) else $(varE geq) |],
\(a,_,_,_) -> a < n)
swc n = (\b -> case (M.lookup True b, M.lookup False b) of
(Just lt, Just geq) -> [| if $(varE sepalWidth) < $(litE . rationalL . toRational $ n) then $(varE lt) else $(varE geq) |],
\(_,a,_,_) -> a < n)
plc n = (\b -> case (M.lookup True b, M.lookup False b) of
(Just lt, Just geq) -> [| if $(varE petalLength) < $(litE . rationalL . toRational $ n) then $(varE lt) else $(varE geq) |],
\(_,_,a,_) -> a < n)
pwc n = (\b -> case (M.lookup True b, M.lookup False b) of
(Just lt, Just geq) -> [| if $(varE petalWidth) < $(litE . rationalL . toRational $ n) then $(varE lt) else $(varE geq) |],
\(_,_,_,a) -> a < n)
classifyIris :: (Double,Double,Double,Double) -> String
classifyIris ($(varP sepalLength),$(varP sepalWidth),$(varP petalLength),$(varP petalWidth)) =
$(learnDT (litE . stringL) (concat $ zipWith map [slc,swc,plc,pwc] [slv,swv,plv,pwv]) rd)