A theme made for Powercord. A Powercord theme to replace most icons with Google Material Icons.
There are a lot more icons that changed that are not in this preview, I don't wanna screenshot every single one of them, but feel free to do so if you wanna contribute.
NOTE: This preview is taken with Dracula theme and Context icons. Remember, this GoogleMaterialIcons theme changes how icons look, not add more icons.
Go to Settings > Themes > Quick CSS and add the following code:
@import url("https://davidnyan10.github.io/GoogleMaterialIcons/GoogleMaterialIcons.css");
Follow these instructions Go to your themes folder and run the following:
git clone https://github.com/DavidNyan10/GoogleMaterialIcons
All of the icons are taken from https://fonts.google.com/icons?selected=Material+Icons
If you have any suggestions/ideas, feel free to create an issue, or ping/dm me in Discord (DavidNyan10#8581). Pull requests are very much appreciated.
Also, some icons are a bit ugly and don't look too good. Feel free to make suggestions and PRs. And not all of the icons are complete, there are some icons that I didn't see/didn't know existed, and some which I don't know what Google Material Icon to replace with. If you see them, feel free to fix them.