This is an extension for GitHub CLI that just shows you your existing rate limits and when it resets
It is exactly the same as doing
curl -fSsL -H "Authorization: token $(github_pat)" -X GET \ \
| jq --raw-output '.resources | to_entries[] | {name: .key} + .value | "\(.name) \(.remaining)/\(.limit) \(.reset | strflocaltime("%H:%M:%S") )"' \
| column -t
Marginally useful but not very interesting; it uses JQ because I haven't yet worked out how to get a go template to format a seconds in epoch.
- GitHub CLI is already installed and authenticated
is installed
To install this extension:
gh extension install quotidian-ennui/gh-rate-limit
bsh ❯ gh rate-limit
core 4897/5000 14:46:20
search 30/30 13:59:42
graphql 4999/5000 14:46:43
integration_manifest 5000/5000 14:58:42
source_import 100/100 13:59:42
code_scanning_upload 1000/1000 14:58:42
actions_runner_registration 10000/10000 14:58:42
scim 15000/15000 14:58:42
dependency_snapshots 100/100 13:59:42
code_search 10/10 13:59:42
bsh ❯ gh rate-limit -u
core 107/5000 14:46:20
search 0/30 14:09:03
graphql 1/5000 14:46:43
integration_manifest 0/5000 15:08:03
source_import 0/100 14:09:03
code_scanning_upload 0/1000 15:08:03
actions_runner_registration 0/10000 15:08:03
scim 0/15000 15:08:03
dependency_snapshots 0/100 14:09:03
code_search 0/10 14:09:03