Source code and pretrained model for 24th Asia and South Pacific Design Automation Conference paper:
Semi-Supervised Hotspot Detection with Self-Paced Multi-Task Learning.
Ying Chen, Yibo Lin, Tianyang Gai, Yajuan Su, Yayi Wei, and David Z. Pan
Feature Tensor Extraction Data is already within this repo, original images can be found at
numpy, tensorflow (tested on 1.5), pandas, json, ConfigParser, progress
e.g. to test iccad2 with 10% labeled samples (random seed = 50) on the released model, you need to modify iccad2_config.ini
set model_path=./models/iccad2/unlossfix_SSL_m10000_p0.1s50/model-p0.1-s50-step9999.ckpt
set train_ratio=0.1
set seed=50
set b=2
python iccad2_config.ini
e.g. to train iccad2 with 10% labeled samples (random seed =50), you need to modify iccad2_config.ini
set save_path=./models/iccad2/ssl/
set train_ratio=0.1
set seed=50
set b=2
python iccad2_config.ini
e.g. to test iccad2, you need to modify iccad2_config.ini
set model_path=./models/iccad2/ssl/model.ckpt
(note: This model path should be where you save your model when training)
set train_ratio=0.1
set seed=50
set b=2
python iccad2_config.ini
e.g. to train and test iccad2 with 10%, 30%, 50% labeled samples and different random seeds(50,100,150), you need to modify as folows:
for b in 2: do
for train_p in 0.1 0.3 0.5; do
for seed in 50 100 150; do
then when all the runnings are done, go to folder "log_SSL" to check the testing results.
To compare results of our approach and Yang's DAC'17 work, we adjust the decision boundary of each model to plot the ROC curves. The ROC curves of each benchmark with different ratios of selected labeled samples are as follows (both average and standard deviation values are drawn for different runs).
"SSL" denotes our approach, "DAC" denotes Yang's work.
"TPR" denotes true positive rate, "FPR" denotes false positive rate.
The vertical line refers to the same FPR values reported by the DAC work.
The code is based on Haoyu Yang's source code, thanks for his sharing.