#When's My Bus/Tube/DLR #Installation instructions
Python 2.6 or greater is required to run the bot. Python 2.7 required for unit testing. Not yet tested with Python 3 and will almost certainly not work
Before starting, the bot needs the following supporting libraries:
- nltk (v2.0): http://nltk.github.com/install.html
- pygraph (v1.8.2): http://code.google.com/p/python-graph/
- tweepy (v2.1): http://code.google.com/p/tweepy/
Make sure you have installed the above libraries first. Assuming you have easy_install
and pip
already installed:
$ sudo pip install -U pyyaml nltk
$ sudo easy_install python-graph-core
$ sudo pip install tweepy
Create a Twitter account for your application by visiting https://dev.twitter.com/ and signing up an account for your bot if you have not already.
Go to the My Applications tab and click create a new Application. Fill in the details: Name, Description and Website should suffice. You don't need to fill in a Callback URL. Agree to the terms and create the application.
Once your App is set up, create an access token for your own account to get an access token and access token secret.
Download the code & data for WhensMyBus (despite the name this contains code for all three bots) from Github into a working directory:
$ git clone git://github.com/qwghlm/WhensMyBus.git
$ cd WhensMyBus
All the geodata is there, you just need to opy config.cfg.sample to config.cfg and edit it:
$ cp config.cfg.sample config.cfg
$ nano config.cfg
Go the relevant section ([whensmybus]
, [whensmytube]
or [whensmydlr]
) that you want to activate. Fill in the Twitter username, consumer key & secret, user key & secret within this section and save
You can also optionally change the debug_level
(more messages) and silent_mode
to 1 (in which case it will read Tweets and create mock replies, but not post them to Twitter)
You now have a working bot! To test it, try the following test depending on which bots you activated
$ python run_tests.py WhensMyBus --remote-apis
$ python run_tests.py WhensMyTube --remote-apis
$ python run_tests.py WhensMyDLR --remote-apis
All tests should clear if Twitter OAuth is correctly set up; if you don't care about remote connection, try running without the --remote-apis
To get started, on the command line run whichever command you fancy:
$ ./whensmybus.py
$ ./whensmytrain.py whensmytube
$ ./whensmytrain.py whensmydlr
To update regularly, set a cronjob to call your script every minute or so
If you ever want to update the CSV file(s) in sourcedata/
and update the database, after updating the CSV run:
$ python datatools.py
If you ever want to add the app to more Twitter accounts, and need to generate more access tokens, run:
$ python twittertools.py
Although only the Google geocoder is used, there is Bing's as well in lib/geo.py