Convert simple types to and from HTML node attributes. This is useful when building WebComponents.
Note that this only allows simple types (as opposed to complex types), which are typically used in HTML attributes. See this on how to pass complex data to WebComponents.
import AttrTypes from 'attr-types';
AttrTypes.string('asdf') // => 'asdf'
AttrTypes.number('3') // => 3
AttrTypes.array('w,a,s,d') // => ['w', 'a', 's', 'd']
AttrTypes.bool('') // => true
AttrTypes.bool(null) // => false
const aOfN = AttrTypes.arrayOf(number);
aOfN('1,2,3') // => [1, 2, 3]
aOfN('1,2,c') // => null
const lOrR = AttrTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']);
AttrTypes.lOrR('left') // => 'left'
AttrTypes.lOrR('down') // => null
import AttrTypes from 'attr-types';
AttrTypes.number.stringify(3) // => '3'
AttrTypes.array.stringify(['w', 'a', 's', 'd']) // => 'w,a,s,d'
AttrTypes.bool.stringify(true) // => ''
AttrTypes.bool.stringify(false) // => null
const aOfN = AttrTypes.arrayOf(number);
aOfN.stringify([1, 2, 3]) // => '1,2,3'
const lOrR = AttrTypes.oneOf(['left', 'right']);
lOrR.stringify('left') // => 'left'
lOrR.stringify('down') // => null
To get the value of an attribute (e.g. inside attributeChangedCallback
// You need to remember the type
const attrType = getTypeFor(attrName);
const value = attrType(el.getAttribute(attrName));
To reflect a changed property in the node attributes, use:
// You need to remember the type
const attrType = getTypeFor(attrName);
const attr = attrType.stringify(value);
if (attr == null) {
} else {
el.setAttribute(attrName, attr);
AttrTypes is used in the wild by hy-drawer and hy-push-state.