Geocodio is a lightweight Ruby wrapper around the API.
In your Gemfile:
gem 'geocodio'
The point of entry to's API is the Geocodio::Client
class. Initialize
one by passing your API key or allowing the initializer to automatically use
environment variable:
geocodio ='0123456789abcdef')
# Or, if you've set GEOCODIO_API_KEY in your environment:
geocodio =
The Geocodio::Client#geocode
method is used to request coordinates and expanded information on one or more addresses. It accepts an array of addresses and an options hash. If more than one address is provided, #geocode
will use Geocodio's batch endpoint behind the scenes. It is possible for a geocoding request to yield multiple results with varying degrees of accuracy, so the geocode
method will always return one Geocodio::AddressSet
for each query made:
results = geocodio.geocode(['1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014'])
# => #<Geocodio::AddressSet:0x007fdf23a07f80 @query="1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014", @addresses=[...]>
AddressSets are enumerable, so you can iterate over each result and perform operations on the addresses:
results.each { |address| puts address }
If you just want the most accurate result, use the #best
convenience method:
address =
# => #<Geocodio::Address:0x007fb062e7fb20 @number="1", @street="Infinite", @suffix="Loop", @city="Monta Vista", @state="CA", @zip="95014", @latitude=37.331669, @longitude=-122.03074, @accuracy=1, @formatted_address="1 Infinite Loop, Monta Vista CA, 95014">
puts address
# => 1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA, 95014
puts address.latitude # or
# => 37.331669
puts address.longitude # or address.lng
# => -122.03074
To perform a batch geocoding operation as mentioned earlier, simply add more addresses to the passed array:
result_sets = geocodio.geocode(['1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014', '54 West Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91105'])
# => [#<Geocodio::AddressSet:0x007fdf23a07f80 @query="1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014", @addresses=[...]>, #<Geocodio::AddressSet:0x007fdf23a07f80 @query="54 West Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91105", @addresses=[...]>]
cupertino =
# => #<Geocodio::Address:0x007fb062e7fb20 @number="1", @street="Infinite", @suffix="Loop", @city="Monta Vista", @state="CA", @zip="95014", @latitude=37.331669, @longitude=-122.03074, @accuracy=1, @formatted_address="1 Infinite Loop, Monta Vista CA, 95014">
The interface to reverse geocoding is very similar to geocoding. Use the Geocodio::Client#reverse_geocode
method (aliased to Geocodio::Client#reverse
) with one or more pairs of coordinates:
addresses = geocodio.reverse_geocode(['37.331669,-122.03074'])
# => #<Geocodio::AddressSet:0x007fdf23a07f80 @query="1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014", @addresses=[...]>
address_sets = geocodio.reverse_geocode(['37.331669,-122.03074', '34.145760590909,-118.15204363636'])
# => [#<Geocodio::AddressSet:0x007fdf23a07f80 @query="1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014", @addresses=[...]>, #<Geocodio::AddressSet:0x007fdf23a07f80 @query="54 West Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91105", @addresses=[...]>]
Coordinate pairs can also be specified as hashes:
address_sets = geocodio.reverse_geocode([{ lat: 37.331669, lng: -122.03074 }, { latitude: 34.145760590909, longitude: -118.15204363636 }])
# => [#<Geocodio::AddressSet:0x007fdf23a07f80 @query="1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014", @addresses=[...]>, #<Geocodio::AddressSet:0x007fdf23a07f80 @query="54 West Colorado Boulevard, Pasadena, CA 91105", @addresses=[...]>]
address = geocodio.parse('1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino, CA 95014')
# => #<Geocodio::Address:0x007fa3c15f41c0 @number="1", @street="Infinite", @suffix="Loop", @city="Cupertino", @state="CA", @zip="95014", @accuracy=nil, @formatted_address="1 Infinite Loop, Cupertino CA, 95014">
Note that this endpoint performs no geocoding; it merely formats a single provided address according to's standards.
Geocodio has added support for retrieving additional fields when geocoding or reverse geocoding. To request these fields, pass an options hash to either #geocode
or #reverse_geocode
. Possible fields include cd
or cd113
, stateleg
, school
, and timezone
address = geocodio.geocode(['54 West Colorado Boulevard Pasadena CA 91105'], fields: %w[cd stateleg school timezone]).best
# => #<Geocodio::CongressionalDistrict:0x007fa3c15f41c0 @name="Congressional District 27" @district_number=27 @congress_number=113 @congress_years=2013..2015>
# => #<Geocodio::StateLegislativeDistrict:0x007fa3c15f41c0 @name="Assembly District 41" @district_number=41>
# => #<Geocodio::StateLegislativeDistrict:0x007fa3c15f41c0 @name="State Senate District 25" @district_number=25>
address.unified_school_district # or .elementary_school_district and .secondary_school_district if not unified
# => #<Geocodio::SchoolDistrict:0x007fa3c15f41c0 @name="Pasadena Unified School District" @lea_code="29940" @grade_low="KG" @grade_high="12">
# => #<Geocodio::Timezone:0x007fa3c15f41c0 @name="PST" @utc_offset=-8 @observes_dst=true>
# => true
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