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Deep Generative Models course, MIPT, 2021


The course is devoted to modern generative models (mostly in the application to computer vision).

We will study the following types of generative models:

  • autoregressive models,
  • latent variable models,
  • normalization flow models,
  • adversarial models,
  • diffusion models (sorry, next time).

Special attention is paid to the properties of various classes of generative models, their interrelationships, theoretical prerequisites and methods of quality assessment.

The aim of the course is to introduce the student to widely used advanced methods of deep learning.

The course is accompanied by practical tasks that allow you to understand the principles of the considered models.


Lecture Date Description Lecture Video
0 September, 8 Intro. slides
1 September, 8 Logistics. Motivation. Divergence minimization framework. Autoregressive modelling. slides video
2 September, 15 Autoregressive models (MADE, WaveNet, PixelCNN, PixelCNN++). Bayesian Framework. slides video
3 September, 22 Latent Variable Models. Variational lower bound. EM-algorithm. Amortized inference. slides video
4 September, 29 Reparametrization trick, Variational Autoencoder. Flow models definition. Forward and reverse KL divergence. slides video
5 October, 6 Residual flows (Planar/Sylvester flows). Autoregressive flows (MAF/IAF/RealNVP). slides video
6 October, 13 Linear flows (Glow). Posterior collapse and decoder weakening. Tigher ELBO (IWAE). slides video
7 October, 20 ELBO surgery. VampPrior + flow-based VAE prior. slides video
8 October, 27 Flows-based VAE posterior vs prior. Uniform and variational dequantization. Disentanglement learning (beta-VAE). slides video
9 Novermber, 10 Disentanglement learning (DIP-VAE + summary). Likelihood-free learning. GAN theorem. slides video
10 Novermber, 17 Vanishing gradients and Mode collapse. KL vs JSD. DCGAN. Wasserstein GAN. WGAN-GP. slides video
11 Novermber, 24 Spectral Normalization GAN. f-divergence minimization. GAN evaluation (Inception score, FID). slides video
12 December, 1 GAN evaluation (Precision-Recall). GAN models (Self-Attention GAN, BigGAN, PGGAN, StyleGAN). Adversarial Variational Bayes. slides video
13 December, 15 Neural ODE. Continuous-in-time NF (FFJORD). Discrete VAE (Gumbel-Softmax trick, VQ-VAE, VQ-VAE-2, DALL-E). slides video


Homework Date Deadline Description Link
1 September, 15 September, 26 Theory: divergences + autoregressive models. Practice: MADE on 2D and MNIST. Open In Github or Open In Colab
2 September, 26 October, 10 Theory: log-derivative trick. Practice: PixelCNN on MNIST, VAE on 2D. Open In Github or Open In Colab
3 October, 10 October, 24 Theory: Sylvester flows. Practice: VAE on CIFAR10, RealNVP on 2D. Open In Github or Open In Colab
4 October, 24 November, 14 Theory: ELBO surgery MI. Practice: AF prior in VAE, AR Decoder. Open In Github or Open In Colab
5 November, 15 November, 28 Theory: IW dequantization, LSGAN. Practice: Standard GAN, WGAN, WGAN-GP. Open In Github or Open In Colab
5 November, 29 December, 12 Individual tasks.

Game rules

  • 6 homeworks each of 13 points = 78 points
  • oral cozy exam = 26 points
  • maximum points: 78 + 26 = 104 points

Final grade: floor(relu(#points/8 - 2))

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