hello! i am a first year computer science student at case western reserve university. i have around ten repositories, but the ones listed below are my favorites.
- several linear algebra functions that help with matricies, such as taking the inverse of an nxn matrix or using rref. there's also a truth table generator where you input a statement such as "(p^q) -> r" and it will print the truth table with p, q, r, and the aforementioned statement.
- an algorigthm that can solve a rubik's cube using dijikstra's algorithm, while printing the instructions. the average runtime is around 0.4 seconds.
- in order to learn python, i redid the data structures assignments in python (linked list, stack, queue, hashtable graph), and wrote a base converter that can go anywhere between base 2 and 36.
- my end-of-the-year projects for linear algebra and ap literature, respectively. in linear algebra, i made a low-level chatbot using text files and markov chains. in ap lit, i made a personality test that told the user which character from the year they were most similar to.
- my personal website/blog. definetly one of my favorite things on here.
- everything from cwru data structures, also known as csds 233. the files here are all written in java, but there's also python translations in the python madness folder.