(last update 20-10-2020)
This is not the real repository for the bot, only for cosmetics for my github account. The real repository is set to private atm.
This bot provides you a bunch of information from the game (gacha, recruitment, and operators stuff).
Bot only works on LINE Platform, both personal chat or group/room chat.
To add the bot @563ycerl
You might notice some Flex Message designs are a bit off between LINE Desktop and Mobile, please refer to Mobile version for the 'real' designs
Send the command (marked one) to the bot
Shows you the UI to select the combination.
Both event and standard banners follow the current banners in EN server.
Selected banner's button color is gray, unselected banner's button color is green
gacha select
gacha x
this result was shown only for testing, doesn't represent neither the system nor my luck
gacha stat
gacha reset
Operators information follow the latest game update (CN server)
credit to Gamepress for this
x = Operator's name.
info x
x = Operator's name
The material background is kinda weird on LINE Desktop, please refer to Mobile version for the 'real' design
mats x
x = Operator's name
stats x
Can only be accessed from mats x command.
click the materials
The material background is kinda weird on LINE Desktop, please refer to Mobile version for the 'real' design
If something happen to the features, bot will send you message like this.
This is mostly caused by
- Bot process the command more than 30 seconds
- Outdated database
- Web Scraping error
For the first cause, it is mostly happened when bot is waking up, you may notice this by telling how long does the bot reply. LINE limits the reply time for less than 30 seconds, so this happens. For this issue, when you resend the message, it should be work just fine after that.
For the second cause, it is simply caused by outdated database (such as mats and stats features), it will give you the same message, but when you resend the message, it will give you the same message again, i anticipated this by adding report system, so when error happens for several times, you will see report button and the features will be disabled temporarily and the report will be sent to me.
Basically same with the second issue but this was caused by web scraping error.
Group / Room support.added.- Auto Update Event and Standard Banner. -WIP- -Probably won't be finished by anytime soon bcs it's kinda hard to implement with the current host-