A really simple CLI for managing local PubSub Emulator.
# Install it
go install github.com/rafael-piovesan/pubsubcli@latest
Manage topics and subscriptions running on a local PubSub Emulator
pubsubcli [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
help Help about any command
publish Publish message
subscription Manage subscriptions on PubSub Emulator
topic Manage topics on PubSub Emulator
-a, --addr string PubSub Emulator address (following the pattern <server>:<port>) (default "localhost:8432")
-h, --help help for pubsubcli
-p, --proj string the project's ID (default "my-project-id")
Use "pubsubcli [command] --help" for more information about a command.
This project is based on Cobra. Read the docs and install their CLI called cobra-cli
(details here) to make it easy to edit this code.