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Repo for the paper "Rating Prediction in Conversational Task Assistants with Behavioral and Conversational-Flow Features" presented at SIGIR 2023

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Rating Prediction in Conversational Task Assistants with Behavioral and Conversational-Flow Features

This is the repository for the paper Rating Prediction in Conversational Task Assistants with Behavioral and Conversational-Flow Features published at SIGIR 2023 here.

Getting Started

Creating the Environment

If you use conda you can create the env using the environment.yml file (depending on the hardware some versions might need to be different):

conda env create -f environment.yml

Activate environment with:

conda activate rating_prediction_env


In the paper, to evaluate our models, we use data collected in the first edition of the Alexa Prize TaskBot challenge.
The data cannot be shared due to Alexa Prize Challenge rules, but you can provide your own data and train the models.

Data Format

You can provide data in the format availble in input_example_rating_prediction.json (a dummy example).
The format is the following:

  "an_id_of_a_session": {   # this one session
    "session_id": "an_id_of_a_session",
    "user_id": "an_id_of_a_user",
    "conversation_id": "an_id_of_a_conversation",
    "start_time": "2023-01-17T04:00:18.592746",  # session start time
    "rating_timestamp": "",  # rating time
    "duration": "250",  # time in seconds of the session
    "rating": "5",   # a str number from 1 to 5 or none if no rating was given
    "has_screen": false,  # bool indicating if the device had a screen
    "turns": [  # list of turns
        "creation_date_time": "2023-01-17T04:00:59.347709",  # turn start time
        "candidate_responses": {  # dict with the candidate RG names and their response
          "LAUNCH_RESPONDER": {
            "response": " Try asking me things like: How to cook grilled salmon, or, How to make a tote bag. "
        "intent": "YesIntent",  # intent as classified by an external method
        "sentiment_score": {  # sentiment score as given by Alexa Skills Kit
          "valence": {
            "value": "0.020472467",
            "confidence": "UNKNOWN"
          "activation": {
            "value": "0.083258376",
            "confidence": "UNKNOWN"
          "satisfaction": {
            "value": "0.012997696",
            "confidence": "UNKNOWN"
          "modelVersion": "2.1"
        "session_id": "an_id_of_a_session",
        "asr": [  # ASR scores as given by Alexa Skills Kit
            "tokens": [
                "startOffsetInMilliseconds": "460",
                "endOffsetInMilliseconds": "610",
                "_confidenceV2": {
                  "score": "0.988"
                "value": "yes",
                "confidence": "0.988"
            "_confidenceV2": {
              "score": "0.988"
            "directedness": {
              "score": "0"
            "confidence": "0.988"
        "data_source": "",   # source of the task (e.g. recipe, wikihow, or empty)
        "system_latency": 1000,  # time it takes for the system to respond
        "conversation_id": "an_id_of_a_conversation",
        "text": "yes",   # user utterance
        "phase": "greeting",  # current phase of the dialogue (e.g. greeting, process_grounding, steps)
        "user_id": "an_id_of_a_user",
        "input_offensive": "0",   # 0 or 1 indicating offensive content as given by an Alexa internal method and by matching with a list of sensitive words
        "response": " Try asking me things like: How to cook grilled salmon, or, How to make a tote bag. "  # system response
        ... # it can have more turns
  ... # it can have more sessions

If you do not have access to some of these fields, or do not want to consider them check the next section.

Creating and Adapting new Features

To change the input format adapt the classes AllInteractions, Session, and Turn.

To change the behavior features considered choose the ones you want from the ./models/ in the function get_features_from_turn.

Rating Prediction Models

Models available:

  • Behavior-Only - methods based only on behavior features such as RandomForest, AdaBoost, Bagging, GradientBoosting, XGBoost, LogisticRegression, and SVM.
  • Conversarional-Flow-Only - methods that only consider text features such as BERT and T5.
  • Conversational-Flow and Behavior - the proposed TB-Rater model.

Training and Evaluation

To train and evaluate the model use the script.

For example to run the default BERT model:
python3 --model_type bert

You can also give a path to a json file with a model configuration:
python3 --model_type bert --config ./run_configurations/basic_bert.json

In the run_configurations folder there are some example configurations.

In the end this creates in the provided output_folder a folder for the model checkpoints, where each one has: config.json, pytorch .bin model, traininer_state.json and optimizer parameters, as explained in Huggingface's Trainer documentation.

Adding to the checkpoints the script also creates:

  • tokenizer - a folder with the tokenizer information.
  • _config.json - a file with the model configuration used to train the model which can then be used to load the model for other purposes.
  • _metrics.json - a file with results obtained.
  • _all.json - a file which combines config and metrics in a single file for easier processing.
  • _predictions.tsv - a file with the model predictions and the main dialogue attributes for analysis.

Creating your own Models

Using a Custom Configuration

You can create your own model by providing a different configuration json file.
The parameters available for each model are a combination of the variables at:

  • ./models/ in the DefaultModelConfiguration class
  • With a corresponding model architecture configuration class ./models (a class that inherits from DefaultModelConfiguration).

Creating a New Model from Scratch

To create a new architecture from scratch, i.e., one not present in the paper, you can follow a similar approach to the ones in ./models:

  1. Add the new model name configuration to the Enum class RatingPredictionModels in
  2. Create a new python file and create a class that inherits from DefaultModelConfiguration and add your new default values and/or new attributes.
  3. Create the appropriate functions to load_model_tokenizer, get_predictions and train_eval_model.
  4. Add the new model to using another elif that calls the train_eval_model function.

Running the Custom Configuration/Model

After having a custom configuration file or model run:
python3 --model_type <model_type> --config <path_to_config>


If you find it useful please cite our work:

author = {Ferreira, Rafael and Semedo, David and Magalh\~{a}es, Jo\~{a}o},
title = {Rating Prediction in Conversational Task Assistants with Behavioral and Conversational-Flow Features},
year = {2023},
isbn = {9781450394086},
publisher = {Association for Computing Machinery},
address = {New York, NY, USA},
url = {},
doi = {10.1145/3539618.3592048},
abstract = {Predicting the success of Conversational Task Assistants (CTA) can be critical to understand user behavior and act accordingly. In this paper, we propose TB-Rater, a Transformer model which combines conversational-flow features with user behavior features for predicting user ratings in a CTA scenario. In particular, we use real human-agent conversations and ratings collected in the Alexa TaskBot challenge, a novel multimodal and multi-turn conversational context. Our results show the advantages of modeling both the conversational-flow and behavioral aspects of the conversation in a single model for offline rating prediction. Additionally, an analysis of the CTA-specific behavioral features brings insights into this setting and can be used to bootstrap future systems.},
booktitle = {Proceedings of the 46th International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
pages = {2314–2318},
numpages = {5},
keywords = {rating prediction, nlp, conversational task assistants},
location = {Taipei, Taiwan},
series = {SIGIR '23}


Repo for the paper "Rating Prediction in Conversational Task Assistants with Behavioral and Conversational-Flow Features" presented at SIGIR 2023







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